Gameplay =/ Lore

Meet me in Orgrimmar, in 10 minutes. We settle this once and for all! :dragon_face:

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My arpee powers have doubled since the last dumpster fire thread Count Soljeron and I dont even arpee


arcane shot is a spell hunters have that is clearly magic but it’s also channeled through an arrow

would it be lorebreaking if a warrior blocked the magical arrow

EDIT: please note the arrow is travelling at a high speed in a manner akin to a frost mage spell


Except that it literally can’t. See; the vast majoirty of AoE’s among other boss and mob related debuffs.

Still waiting on that source.

“It’s common sense,” is not a valid argument since magic does not actually exist and no one can possibly have common sense regarding a non-existent concept.

Imagine a Gremlins movie where there were no warnings or rules given ahead of time and the mogwai transformed like usual, and Billy went back to the old Chinese man and was like, “yo what gives?”

“You should have used your common sense.”


I just want to know if Titan’s Gripping weapons made largely of fire/lightning/spite is lore.


If you’re badass or crazy enough to do it, sure.

I do it, i love to roleplay quest lines and i don’t see anything wrong in it.

I even done dungeon RP where we roleplayed dungeons and never anyone raised any objection.

So Live and let live OP

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He’s made it very clear this is basically the antithesis of his philosophy.



7 char

:pleading_face: :+1:

Ay y0 m8 1v1 me 1ntervent10ns 0nly 0n rust n00b

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Y’know I find the summarized feature on the forums to be pretty great tool in these types of threads. It buries the responses from the ding dong OP and just gives me all the funny witty responses I’m here for.


Lol who is this guy ? i saw some of his other post and looking at the comments he seems to very infamous here.

Who knows for sure. He showed up a week or two back complaining about a world quest, which people thought fairly odd for a realm forum. At worst, he received a somewhat undue lukewarm welcome, so he proceeded to escalate. Eventually he made some posts and comments to attack RP’ers, and here we are.


He got mad because he said the calligraphy WQ was too hard. He got teased for it. Then he started having a meltdown. Now he posts constantly about how he’s going to save us from bad RP and bragging about “smoking people” in Stormwind to stop them from doing bad RP.

Which we then found out from someone who witnessed it, was him using phasing to snipe lowbies, then phase out before a real challenge showed up.

He’s also threatened a couple guilds with harassment, for basically no reason aside from petty anger.

Basically a dude who can’t get over a very minor slight.


Basically a dude who can’t get over a very minor slight.

With that attitude, maybe he’s just really into roleplaying a blood elf.


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Spell Reflect says nothing about the warrior using magic, it just says you raise your shield and reflect the spell.


Ok but Calligraphy is actually impossible I don’t even try it anymore.

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