Gameplay Improvements for RP QOL

My cold takes:

  • Most toys should last as long as their cooldowns
  • There should be a way to /emote privately with party members
  • A jukebox with a somewhat comprehensive list of moods which players in the vicinity can opt in or out of listening
  • A dice toy which has a little rolling graphic like BG3 where players can see each other roll for those who like a D20 system
  • Some way for players to summon purely cosmetic monsters or NPCs

My hot take:

  • Take efforts to make RP realms populated primarily by RPers. Enforce the RP name rule somewhat harshly and offer character transfers to offenders

They can (and should) go beyond this though. Being able to encounter other players out in the open world is part of what makes an RP server immersive. Being able to designate a hub that isnā€™t Stormwind or Orgrimmar for anyone who wants to come out for a spell would, I believe, breathe so much life into more diverse locales (and I applaud efforts by people to do that very thing in Mereldar, which has so much potential).

The Quest Sync feature is the only way to manage this currently and, to my knowledge, it only works with a 5 man group, which is severely limiting and doesnā€™t help with the issue of making the world feel unnecessarily closed off.


I feel like this would be easy to code given we had the Garrison jukebox

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For the sake of total immersion, they need to let us get completely naked. Such a blocker for me lately.


Monkeyā€™s paw: They give 100% accurate physics simulation to anything that halves your framerate.

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I feel like there was an addon that did this.

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The tongues elixir is completely meta for me I donā€™t consider it as existing it is just a maintenance thing to do.

And I still advocate for it being an interface option, I donā€™t want it to be simply passive because there is an important aspect of communication the elixir covers.

And thatā€™s consent, you should be able to revoke consent to communicate with the opposite faction at any time by simply removing the buff, or if it were an interface option, turning it off.

Keeping that choice in player hands as an interface option removes the sink cost (they get expensive when you regularly stock up a few dozen stacks like I do because my RP circles are all cross faction) while keeping the control to see or not see those messages in individual hands.


Honestly, I know some of these things are code-able. SWTOR has phases listed right on their UI so you can transfer. And we had an add on that was showing server phases here (I donā€™t think I have it anymore, though). It should be easy enough to have an empty phase set as phase 0 so people could RP or whatever they want to do. Explore? PvP? No mobs, just players.

Iā€™m literally sick of phasing/sharding issues. I want to see people.

And having tongues (cross faction languages) also being an opt-in choice instead of a bought potion would be an awesome addition to the UI. Toys that arenā€™t disruptive should be turned on until you dismiss them, move too far from them, die or log off. And we should be able to right click them and make them invisible to us if they are disruptive, so if someone drops fel in the middle of an RP event, everyone simply right clicks and turns it to invisible. That would shut down a lot of trolling.

That dice toy sounds like itā€™d be an easy one to make with similar coding to the hearthstone toy. And inventory stacks should be pretty easy to manipulate in coding. You can do it in Conan Exiles with every item that stacks.


you know if we wanna extend consent to seeing opposite faction messages, they could just make /e visible if youā€™re in the same party. all other message channels are visible cross faction in the same party, just not /e.

it would save a fortune on tongues pots.

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RP QoL, huh?

Iā€™d personally love if theyā€™d expand on the venue npc toggle system that was introduced in Dragonflight. Talk to an npc, clear out the venue for a specified amount of time.

Itā€™d do wonders for my tavern.


Iā€™ve been at the mercy of the mean girls club of naming enforcement lately. I kinda think a guy named nine beers wouldnā€™t want to wake that bear.

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Do you guys remember a trade troll named Icyhot? He was a mage (yeah, big surprise with that name). He ticked off one of the raiding guilds and rumor had it that they mass reported his name repeatedly. Heā€™d change it to some other form of the same thing, Iceyhot, Icyhott, etc.

Iā€™m fine with any name that can be construed as a nickname or that isnā€™t offensive. But once it reads NSFW, Iā€™ll report that. Iā€™ve seen some thingsā€¦

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Itā€™s his canon name! He earned it! If itā€™s too far-fetched, there are always higher numbers


I canā€™t really think of anything people already suggested.

  • Better chat boxes.
  • Hide NPCs, including hostile would be great. Would be cool to use places like the Boraelus slums if we could clear out the NPCs, including the hostile ones.
  • Potion improvements but if we are stuck with them, at least add vendors that sell them in every major city.
  • I like the control sharding idea too so people can put themselves in a shard their friends are in.

Names donā€™t bother me because Iā€™ve turned all of them off for immersion. The name in the RP profile = the characterā€™s name. The single name I can toggle on or off above their head is either a nickname or OOC.

Weā€™re so far past the years where it makes sense to be constrained to, or even consider, the name entered in during character creation. For one, theyā€™re all taken lol.

Hence my first QOL: characters created with full names + nickname.

Most of my suggestions arenā€™t small. If it were up to me, youā€™d be able to do most of what could you do in Pepsilon in the actual game. This, of course, means there would be purchasable land that would go way, way beyond guild halls or anything.


I think the warband can be expanded to include a tree like swtor. I think it would be lit.

I play both Sarsi and her twin sister and their transmasc brother, I used to play their mother but she died (murdered in duskwood long story). But also enemies and allies and even including Sarsi"s girlfriend on the tree as her partner would be lit.


Names donā€™t bother me either. They only do when itā€™s a reference to something that is a slur/hatespeech but thatā€™s not a unique problem to RP realms.

Full name + nicknames would rock though. Finally, I can nickname all my Juspions, Juicepions, Juspeon, Juspeons to Juspion.


My Kirsy, Kirsey, Kiersy agrees.

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This is the first Iā€™ve ever heard of this system.

Open mogging and more appearance options are the big two for me. Including shared Heritage armor and appearances for models that use the same framework (LF Draenei, Magā€™har/Orc, DI Dwarf/Dwarf, Gnome/Mechagnome, etc.).

Some things that will never happen but would be amazing? Dyes. The ability to swap factions, or least flag yourself neutral so you can go in opposing faction areas and not cause pvp shenanigans.