If you could make any changes to in-game things that would improve RP, what would you do? What changes would you make? What kind of toys would you want? Any UI changes? Instance changes?
What kind of gameplay things would you like to see that would enhance roleplay?
Elixir of tongues I believe should be more accessible and perhaps cheaper.
Or how about just not even needing the Elixir in non-PvP areas? I talk to our friendly Horde NPCs all the time without resorting to alchemy. We need a common-common tongue in these times of peace!
I’ve said this often and I’ll say it again, but the chat system needs an overhaul.
Windowed chats should be in-game. It should be easier to keep track of multiple conversations and to remove ones you don’t like. It should be possible to save some conversations. You should be allowed to make blocklists, chatrooms without forming a party or guild, all kinds of cool crap that makes it easier to talk to people.
The things I’d like to see:
More portals to areas that are RPable - like Gilneas.
Redo archaeology to offer tools and toys that can be used in RP. And on the subject of toys - make any that change appearances last until clicked off.
You used to be able to create Realid group tabs I feel like. But havent seen anyone do that since like… MoP or so.
I also miss when we could queue for stuff, SOLO, while in party groups. So you could still hang out and chat, but join bgs separately…
turn off sharding on RP servers again.
I’d definitely allow for instances to be entered by up to a full raid in some “Adventure mode”. The idea is it would only be non hostile npcs in there. I feel like that is my change that is doable and reasonable.
also i would allow you to cast friendly spells on opposite-faction party members in the overworld. this might help questers, of course, but mostly for special effects for plays. to keep some semblance of faction mattering, this only works for members in a group.
An answer to the innumerable number of phased open world areas.
we need to be able to see what phase we are on, and an easy way to switch between them.
Like what FF has.
“hey were on phase 1263”
“Ok cool, swap over in a sec”
beep beep boop, ta da, you now see your friends.
Also some realms that ARENT phased at all. Let us opt in to laggy hell if we want to…
I think the simplest would be allowing groups to access mob-less versions of instances, and maybe even making instances of zones that players can use.
The ability to just hide your weapon entirely as part of your transmog. There is nothing I hate more than having a staff or two-handed sword/axe drop for my dracthyr gal because it is impossible to find something that doesn’t clip through her cape or her horns while she’s in visage form.
Whenever I want to RP with her, I have to manually disarm her every single time because it just looks so unbelievably terrible.
God I wish they’d redo archeology. It’s my favorite profession and I’ve been praying for new stuff since BFA.
Honestly…I just want old world fireworks to stack to 200. Bonus points if all fireworks stacked to 1000. It would save me and my crew a ton of bag space when working on a display.
But nah, instead we get the old self-launchers stacking to 5, the Lunar festival clusters/rockets stacking to 20, and the Pandaria/Dragonflight fireworks are the only ones that go to 200 (but seriously, please raise the cap on these so we can have an easier time making beautiful stuff, Blizz ;_; )
I feel like loneliness is a big enough problem in WoW that they need to pivot away from congestion-easing systems and start thinking about making people hang out.
Oh yeah, if they haven’t yet, LET US USE THE DAMN WOD TENTS ON AZEROTH AGAIN
This. I was being hunted a few days ago on a lowbie by a chump invited over from Tichondrius using an elixir to call me some pretty phobic things. All the demon-named realms are just full of winners.
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Imagine being able to set a phase for your group, or to join the leader’s phase.