Game Time Incoming for Players on North American Realms

That is extremely appreciated. It’s also a nice gesture in a vein we haven’t seen in a looooong time.

Thank you, genuinely.

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Wanna explain the accessibility removal for those of us who can’t use dragon flying? We’re not even in the new area and you took our flying away already. I have mounts that I farmed because of the way they looked flying. Now they’re all either grounded or have the zoomies and you’re forcing us to use a 5 second toggle multiple times a day.

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EU customers receive nothing, but at least we have all the same bugs, BNet outages, glitches, and broken features!

Very very unexpected. Haven’t seen this since wrath, and that was caused by legit a third of the forum users spam posting for a week.

nice gesture, but was not necessary. next thing they will be crying for game time when they cant play because they are sleeping. :man_facepalming:

complainers will complain no matter what you do.

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Yaay time for a drink :sunglasses:

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Nice gesture, and sure we’ll take it. But the crowned jewel from the crowning TWW feature is the warband bank. Is that up yet? Do you even know when that’s coming up? Since we’re all essentially just playing a PTR now, we should probably be getting free gametime until the bank is up and working

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Unexpected, I guess if we have a few more refunds like this I will be able to buy a mountain dew :slight_smile:

If you have had an issue for 2 decades, then that sounds like a you issue. Why keep buying a product that you hate so much.


Not really neccessary, but thank you.

It’s not a pony but it’ll do. (Also why wasn’t this stickied so it wouldn’t get lost in the thread pile?)

Those stocks musta plummeted pretty hard for them to give us something back.

lol beat me to it.

I was gonna say the same thing!

a free day? lol. i think we are owed a few more.

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Thank you. The poors were getting rowdy about their one day. Hopefully this quells them.

You were being ridiculous, that’s the entire point. Everyone who goes “maintenance? gief me gam tiem” is. When there’s a lot of it over the course of several days, then no. It isn’t.

But Blizzard provides gametime as a compensation for everyone at that point. If your entire schtick is “I was upset and ridiculous therefore folks pointing it out shouldn’t get it”; all that does is prove you are and were upset and ridiculous.
Doesn’t make you not right, but being right doesn’t change that someone was/is upset and/or ridiculous. You can be both, and in this case you definitely were.

At the end of the day, just be happy Blizzard is compensating folks since it has been a few days of weird maintenances and downtime here and there at this point. Things doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.


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Cool, not necessary, but I’ll take a free day. Thanks Blizz

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Thank you for your empathy. Ppl should appreciate it more instead of criticizing how the game rolls out.


Oh my god you have to wait 5 seconds before using old flight, whatever will you do.


Did EU servers have a 12 hour maintenance?