Game Time Incoming for Players on North American Realms

it’s small gestures like this one that will drive the game towards a better future, even though I didn’t complain, I appreciate that and the people who did. small blizzard W, but its still something


I have had days like that, where nothing works right and your phone is ringing with helpful people telling you your servers are down. Day from hell.

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Oh, wow! :slight_smile: :heart:

You have my thanks.

/Sat :heart:

This is just going to embolden the spoiled brats who complain on the forums each and every Tuesday…

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All I’m doing is logging in, checking the warbank, and logging out anyway.

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Pretty good, though also pretty rare

For some reason I’m having trouble locating North America on that map.

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Well , thats a joke. It’s been three days since i can play. Can not withdraw any gold from guild bank, game is pretty much unplayable for many of us due to this and many other issues. 3 days i been outted, and you havent even had the decency to acknowledge the guild bank withdrawal / log issues.

A joke. But, thats atypical of this company for near 2 decades now.


rofl people get free game time and they still find a way to complain


It’s right there!

/points at Northrend

See, North America

Oh and Ty Blizz lol


Where did I talk about the time it took to deploy? The deployment time could have been 3 days and I would have been fine.

You have no idea what you’re talking about, they released literally incomplete unbalanced and utterly broken specs??? Have you even played the patch? 100’s of KNOWN bugs, abilities entire trees are missing and how do we know this? Because they fixed them in previous beta builds. That’s right there exists a far better version of what they pushed live on beta at this very moment.

Someone looked at this release date that was way too soon, and some time ago said TAG IT and BAG IT in order to meet a deadline. Forget quality, just push it out and deal with it after.

Why defend this it’s 100% a worse experience, if you order breakfast at a restaurant and the waiter quickly comes out with raw bacon and eggs, you didn’t get a better experience, you got raw meat and eggs. “I know your expectations were for a cooked breakfast, but hey at least it came quickly.”

No one should be left thinking, that just tossing some game time at people is an acceptable trade for objectively bad decisions. Sorry

Guess what the specs that is on live RIGHT NOW are all before the changes and some are done and some had to be cut off for launch for prepatch. Nothing you see here on live servers are even the finalized versions and also some classes might not be finalized by expansion launch date. So you ungrateful person should have some empathy for those who is doing the work to make the game playable for everyone including themselves. Not everything is freaking perfect in this world and guess what? We deal with it.

Comparing food to this is not even remotely the same ideal due to the fact food we can taste and it’s tangible but games especially MMO it’s a lot more complex than this.


Yikes, have some self respect. “Grateful”? ok bye.

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Can I confirm this is a joke? SEA and Western Australia are lumped in with NA realms and we can’t play during peak times every second Tuesday for as long as WoW has existed yet a few extra hours for a major patch (once every 24 months) and everyone gets free time?


maintenance usually kicks in after 10pm.

not exactly “peak”.

For someone that has a job and a life I would say it is peak time, yes.

PS: thanks a lot, Blizz!!!

Pretty damn awesome.

As thankful as I am for this (I’m betting it was MS that told you all to do it) I’m still easily out over 3 months of game time for no good reasons like this over the past 20 years. and to top if off FFXIV hands game time out if they did even HALF of what you did.

But I am shocked. You did do something to repay players for the outage.

So… Thank you for the day back. To me it’s not really the money but for some it may be. For me it’s more the principle. And things like that start to move Blizzard from a Crappy AAA company and make it start to get better.

Keep it up all. You all are doing good work though. Happy to see effort.

Blizzard, I think I speak for everyone here when I say we don’t need any compensation in game time. As long as the game is playable we’re all happy. Take as long as you need.

this day will be eaten up on TWW release lol

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