Game Time Incoming for Players on North American Realms

You deployed a super buggy half baked patch for the sake of meeting an arbitrary deadline, literally who could care less about half a days play time. This patch is the first time I’ve genuinely questioned your commitment to quality in world of warcraft without a remotely reasonable explanation. Every single person I know was shocked by the pre-patch date, not a single person can justify to me why you couldn’t have waited another week and deployed much more stable and complete beta builds.

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I so forgot the wod issues but did that have to do with massive ddo attacks I forget.

I just tell people they aren’t entitled to it as per EULA, not that Blizz would never do it.

Not sure why people need to get all “I told you so” snooty towards others over it.

Blizz did a nice thing. They didn’t have to, they decided to.


Oh. Unexpected but quite welcome. :dracthyr_love_animated:

lol a mount of our choice off the store would of been better

Nope. The servers couldn’t handle everyone phased on top of each other in the garrison. They had to basically build new tech to make it work. And until it was ready, they had to cut the server population to like 1/100th of normal just to stop people from lagging out and crashing. It was a mess.

I will take my quarter travel back in time and purchase penny-candy, thank you.

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My /played isn’t measured in days any more.

double checks

Oops, yes it is. Thank you!

Thank you.

Oh look grumpy old person yelling about getting out of there yard :roll_eyes:


Thank you. And also those of whom that thought blizzard is the the same old well this action shows otherwise.

It’s like how it used to be in vanilla when it was 12 hours downtime or more


I wasn’t going to log in the first day anyway. I was going to wait for other guinea pigs to test what the warband conversion messed up.

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Won’t be using it anyway, as i haven’t even logged in yet. Nice gesture though for the huge mess that the prepatch was.

The forums were entertaining to read, and that was worth the 25 cents.


That’s my kind of slap in the face!


Guess what? War within introduced a consequential system change and so that is why it took so long. And also no matter how long they play test or what not bugs will find a way to be on the live servers.


Thank you. First, great QoL changes for my shaman, talent trees are not perfect but my spec (resto) is very enjoyable to play now. Second, compensation for unexpected and extended maintenance. I am very pleased as a customer and excited for the future in World of Warcraft as we go into the world soul saga.

Shaman changes are not entirely done there are more changes to come for that class. And maybe others as well.

We did not get two weeks of game time! It would have been nice, but we did not get that. We got 5 days game time.

Here is a news article with the Blizz announcement of the game time due to launch issues.

Relevant Blizzard quote:

. It’s also extending every subscription in the Americas, Oceania, and Europe that was active as of November 14 by five days :point_left: to make up for the aggravation players experienced during the first few days of release.