Game Time Incoming for Players on North American Realms

Glad they did it, it’s appreciated

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Okay and whats the catch?

youre welcome

oh look, all the king babies should be satisfied now, but something tells me some of them still won’t be!

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Thank you for the game time :slight_smile:

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The catch is that you won’t get to play WoW on July 23rd.

complaining gave us free game time. seems they dont


nope. 1 day of game time doesn’t even matter to me. no way i’ll ever be upset over ONE stinking day not being able to play a game i sub to.

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congrats on 25 cents worth of gametime. you should be very excited. its a lot of money.

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Thank you! I think (hope) this decision will be well received by players. At the same time, many of us acknowledge and appreciate the huge undertaking involved in the QoL changes coming with TWW. I’m confident that given a little time, the Team will get everything running smoothly.


thats a free tuesday reset

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As an elegantly disheveled forum dweller, I can assure you good Death Knight that I never suggested something like this. I merely enjoyed the madness. :wink:

Not needed, but still appreciated. Thanks

Thank you blizzard!

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Thank you very much Blizz!!! Much appreciated

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Can I trade my free day of game time for some dungeon nerfs on beta?

Respectfully, instead of an extra day of gametime, how about an token for a 24 hour 10% exp gain buff that we can use when TWW goes live.

Happened in tbc it was almost a week iirc

This is a nice gesture. Thank you.

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WOD they gave us 2 weeks. The launch was that bad. Not due to maintenance downtime, just due to the servers being too unstable to even log in.

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