Game Shop Item Suggestion: Experience reset potion

This game has 3 problem areas that need an attention / improvement:

  1. Excess gold in the economy and the resulting inflation (people would have in-game gold / $ dumps on top of the vanity items if they’re not into vanity but into alts)
  2. Twinks are leaving game en masse (including myself) due to fun police for the reasons disclosed in
  3. Blizzard is missing out on a huge hidden market of those players willing to pay their way through to gain practical in-game benefits as opposed to useless gadgets

All of these 3 problems would be offset by implementing either of these 3 options (and bring me and my 5 accounts back into game on a subscription basis):

Option 1:
Item vendor: Behsten / Slahtz
Item name: Potion of the Void
Item title color: Teal/Cyan (same as WoW Token)
Item level: 1
Item bind: Binds when picked up
Item description: “The longer you stare into the swirling vortex of this vial, the more you realise that it stares back at you…”
Item effect: character’s experience gained is decreased by 100%* for 3 / 6 / 9 hours GCD (note: the effect is not the same as xp disable, a character who uses a potion can still join the normal xp-on battlegrounds, but only while effect duration lasts)
Item cost: $5 / $10 / $15 or 35,000 gold / 65,000 gold / 100,000 gold

*only your default innate XP will be axed by 100%, this does not count in the heirloom xp bonus: i.e. if a character is wearing heirlooms, then a chracter would still get xp bonus from heirlooms)

Option 2:
Item vendor: Behsten / Slahtz
Item name: Nethertwist potion
Item level: 1
Item title color: Teal/Cyan (same as WoW Token)
Item bind: Binds when picked up
Item description: “This vial contents are a perfect pitch of vantablack darkness and consume all the light around it. Merely holding it fills you with a sense of an eerie dread. All that is sane tells you not to drink it…”
Item effect: character’s experience bar is reset** to 0% through a current character level
Item cost: $15 or 100,000 gold

**For example:
your level 55 character experience bar is 87,349 / 134,430 (65% through)
your character uses the potion
your level 55 character experience bar is set to 1 / 134,430 (0% through)

Option 3:
$2 / 12,000 gold fee to enter an xp-on battleground as an xp-off character once (each Battleground takes about 20-30 mins)

Basically I want to pay real money to Blizzard to allow me to enter normal xp-on battlegrounds as the xp-off character.