Game needs better AI

I think the days are long gone where fighting an auto-attacking damage sponge is considered enjoyable. How about giving our enemies a little brains and make fighting them more like fighting a player.


It would be cool if they gave all enemies the brains of the “AI” enemy players in the BFA Island thingies, those guys are much better to fight than normal mobs.


Are you talking about bosses/NPCs in raids/dungeons or something?

Because if you are, and you consider pattern tailored fights, then WoW PvE isn’t at all for you. So, assuming this isn’t what you are referring to, what are you referring to?


They should get ChatGPT to play WoW, then we would have good AI lol

Would be cool.
But please immersive, with a decent outfit and not with this dumb jumping around to imitate players.

That’s a deal breaker for me.

I like my AI in skimpy outfits lol

If I enjoyed PvP I would play PvP content. No thank you.


wow players would complain it is too hard and would try to make addons to make it easier kek

Sounds like you aren’t doing any difficult content, try something harder than world mobs :slight_smile:


The majority of the player base is braindead though?

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I think bosses shouldn’t just watch us while we assemble and jump around in front of them. They should attack us while we are weak (and partially afk).


Imagine if you were casting skb pyroblast and the mob line of sights you half a second before ur cast finishes lol

“Auto-attacking damage sponge”…Clearly you raid at the Mythic level and do a lot more M+ than I do…

Oh wait, you don’t do any of that content at all.

I think if you played the actual game you would find the bosses are a lot more than just auto-attacking damage sponges.

Are you talking about fighting mobs while leveling or something?


Unless they provide some clarification, this is basically the only thing that seems like it would actually be applicable to.

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Okay, first thing. There is no A.I. yet. No human technology even approaches anything that can be considered artificial intelligence. What we have are systems that create their own “links” between a huge amount of data that is presented to them, thus, Large Language Models or LLM. Throw a few terabytes of stuff at them and they get good at predicting the next word or image.

What would the LLM NPC do? Depends on what it was trained on, that is, mythic+, raiding, PvP or open world. Does Blizz even have data at that level? Possibly, depending on what they log and how long they keep it. Toss every log from all the mythic dungeons and you’ll have NPCs that will know how to fight as a mythic raider which may or may not be useful in PvP or even open world.

Now that Blizz is a part of Microsoft and all those Azure cloud goodies, it is a project well within possibilities. Would it pay off in player satisfaction? If the LLM is playing with us players then yes as it fills in for missing group members. An LLM with full defensive abilities such as interrupts playing a raid boss that has perfect timing, no lag and instant cast? That would be the ultimate challenge or nightmare depending on how well players can subvert the learning based on a given dataset. Of course it would eventually learn this as well.

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Even better . How about give the AI NPC the abilities to go after players and collect the reward money . Put a bounty on their heads .

I can’t even put into words how closed-mined this response is.

This person is basically saying if you make the AI too good it becomes PVP. Lmaoooooo. I can’t even with this.
Like sorry, you might actually have to put thought into the combat? Like what? How is that even a complaint?

How is smart AI the same as you being in a BG or arena or fighting a person? Yeah nah, low IQ take.

Uhh… Have you considered playing the game above perhaps level 15? Maybe do a raid or dungeon?

It’s a good thing those types of enemies only exist in the open world. If you think that content is too easy, then start doing more challenging content.

So they’d be even easier to kill? lol

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That literally doesn’t require any AI. You just give players a “bounty” that goes up through PvP/Ganking/Killing faction NPC"s whatever and then you just spawn some clown’s out of camera site that spout the player name, go hostile and you kill them.

It’s just a simple scripted event that happens X and Y are true.