Game needs better AI

The dungeons at present, and from the beginning, are basically action-oriented puzzles.

Figure out the puzzle, implement your strategy, execute well.

Smarter NPC opponents could be fun, but it’d need to be a different kind of adventure. Maybe a new dungeon type. I wouldn’t wholesale replace the current dungeon paradigm though.

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It would need to be a completely different gameplay system, because nothing in the current game would be playable with this idea. A dungeon or raid boss beelining the healers to 2-tap them and then focus on the DPS would be unbeatable at any level of content above the most trivial.


Yeah this is like a “you think you do, but you don’t” situation, but for real.

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The OP specifically stated they wanted mobs to act like players, which means it WOULD emulate PvP. Maybe try working on your reading comprehension before insulting someone over a topic you clearly didn’t bother reading in the first place?

Unique mechanics and stuff are fine, and already exist throughout the game. What I do NOT want is melee mobs constantly running in circles to try and get behind the player, or ranged mobs pointlessly extending a trivial encounter by breaking LOS just before a player finishes a cast.


I didn’t insult you, you are literally closing off your mind to new ideas, that’s what being close minded means.

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Oh really? Insinuating that I don’t want to put thought into things and outright stating I have a low IQ isn’t an insult?? Again, work on your english skills.

Making mobs behave like players do in PvP is NOT a new idea, Blizz already attempted that once with Island Expeditions.

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