Game is uplayable due to bag space

this is so annoying to have all this gear, consumes and materials with no bag space i cant even log in. my mailbox is so full yea this is a dev created issue. is anyone else find this unplayable due to having to go thru bags and meticulously delete stuff you really want to keep? this is such a bad quality of life issue. rearranging bag space for hours instead of playing the game. im just not gonna log in lol i use my overfilled bank too


the capital cities have a bank that allows you to keep extra stuff.


:rat: Any rats in the chat pretending to be human? :rat:

bank cant hold all this stuff bruh you gotta be kidding -10000 aura for you


you got to add bags in the tabs at the bottom.

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Send screenshot of bank

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bro i main a shaman no need to screen show i got t1/t2 tank dps and healing sets and like 30 trinkets theres no room all 18 slot bags 6 slots in bank too lol cant make this up

I really love when some posters refuse to contribute anything, just deny any concern anyone has because they don’t personally have that concern. Really useful stuff, guys.

There is an overabundance of useful items for players that like to have contingencies. On top of the multiple set bonuses required, as well as dual spec asking the player to have multiple specs of gear, yea, it’s a valid concern. They gave a few extra potential bag spaces with 20 slotters available, but it’s not really enough. The key ring being used to hold certain items is a welcome idea, but should be expanded upon.


The space constraints are becoming a HUGE issue in SOD.

Never before has classic had the need to store so much gear. MC heat level resistance sets, multiple viable specs, dual spec etc. Something needs to be done.

The new instance key for DFC is a trinket, not a key. That dumb horn you use for Wild Offerings. Many must-keep items don’t even stack at all. ZG Idols for enchants.

At the bare minimum, can we at least get consumables to stack to a reasonable number? I hate going to raids with over 10-15 slots being eaten up because they don’t stack (repair bots) or only stack to pathetic numbers like 5 (I’m looking at you resistance potions).


They should add new bag recipes that craft 30 slot and 40 slot bags. Make the 30 slot ones available from rep and the 40 slot available via AQ drop.

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Bit much, i agree with the limited space though… 22 slots and 25 slots more then fair for upgraded bags

Not really, I’m full Leather-Reinforced Runecloth Bag (all bank slots; all character bag slots), plus I have 4 extra slots thanks to Authenticator.

I have exactly 4 slots free if I bring 10 Mongoose, Giants, appropriate Magic School Protections 1 & 2 (ie Fire and Nature for BWL), Restoration Potions/Poison Resistance (depending on raid requirement), and 3 Flasks of Supreme Power, and a stack of Stat food (Dumplings or Blessed Fruit depending on the AH price of sandworm meat).

I carry around my Prot set since that is my dual spec.

My bank is completely full of resist gear, off-spec set (T0.5), and a few choice gear and item rewards you can’t get but once (ie Argent Avenger).

BTW: Retail is up to 36-slot bags now (Duskweave Bag).

One thing that would go a long way is to make the Companions (Battle pets in Retail) and Mount items teach you a spell version of them so you don’t take up bag space. - There’s already a private server running Vanilla-era that did this.

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1 bag of items is always have and some general consumes.
HS, bs/engin items, bandages, food, the basics.

1 bag full of trinkets. Learned long ago trinkets arent the easiest to come by and some have unique effects, so keep em.

1 bag full of pvp and tank gear, while wearing my dps gear.

1 bag for raid consumes

1 more bag for extra special gear that never leave the bags for unique on use reasons.

Sometimes I need my fire set. Working on NR set. What sets are needed in naxx?

I usually end up with like 3 bag slot free on raid nights.

I think I need like an extra 2 bag slots. :smiley:

OP, me and my guildie were talking about this last night. Both are bags are full. I have full 20 slots on char and bank, and it’s FULLLL. I have two different sets for fire resist, i have a nature resist and shadow resist set now. Plus I have two different sets for tier two. Mutiple trinkets for tanking and DPS. Not to mention were gonna probs need a frost resist.

They need to add more bank slots or void storage or something.

The only easy fix I can see them doing is the introduction of super massive bags. I must repeat the sentiment of others in this thread about trying to manage bag and banks space for multiple specs, resist sets, bop consumables, etc: It is terrible. Now we also have to hold all these tokens from the new raid for gear waiting on the super low availability of scarabs and idols.

yeah, because you have been given way too many goodies :expressionless: SoD is a failure. next classic+, they should release far fewer new items.

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You should do a bag clean and unclutter your (digital) life!

Carrying around so much stuff is like having a 4000 sq ft house and no room to walk…4 cars on the lot, 2 working, a sail boat that needs some work, a camper that leaks in heavy rain, 3 lawn mowers, clothes in the closet that you have not worn in 20 years and cannot even fit into…

Clean your bags, you will feel better.

What they should do is have the resistances from past tiers added to newer tiers so we don’t need to keep the past sets.

How bad is the hoarder house you live in?

Sell or drop items and delete them.

Make alts and send non soulbound items to them.

A million things you can do. If you insist on keeping everything and assigning value to garbage useless items that’s :100: on you, not the devs.

Yall wanted Dual spec deal with it…Was loving SOD until they shut down my beloved Chaosbolt server and then the cherry on top was Dualspec…Long live the med pop community servers