Game is uplayable due to bag space

Maybe it’s just Druid problems but I have 5 gloves and 4 boots with me at all times and I use them all, that’s just a start.

unless you are a tank off spec or something or are keeping resistance sets that you dont need to carry , bag space (while its an issue) isnt as bad as one would think.

maybe stop being a hoarder.

i know i struggle with it sometimes too but still.

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How about a hunter that loses an ENTIRE BAG to arrows that ONLY STACK to 200. Also PvE/PvP gear sets and Trinkets alone take up like 2 bags.

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i said it is an issue , just not as big of one as people say , with decent bag management.

i know im able to hold fr /sr /a full set of offspec gear/ various other consumes on my lock who also has 1 less bag due to shard bag.

space is tight but i dont have to go to the bank often.

its gonna be time soon for both my shaman and my lock to do some bag cleaning as i dont really do mc anymore and dont need the fr gear.

also my bank is full to the brim of useless things i can get rid of easily.

do some management for real.

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in another words if all you do is raid then your fine on bag space, if you go out in the world you’re effed

All I do is manage my inventory its boaring. The inventory limit was put in place due to hardware restrictions that no longer exist. Just give us bigger bags and higher stacks.

Meanwhile I have 1 bag for my consumes and 4 open bags. If I want to pvp I go to the bank to gear swap. If I’m dpsing… Grab it from the bank. FR and NR… both in the bank… I don’t understand why people hoard or carry 30 of each raid consume. Just bring a stack.

If you’re going full consumes to parse you kill fast enough and don’t die only need 1-3 of each pot.
If you’re guild isn’t parsing you’re not in a hardcore sweat guild to worry about them they’re not needed anyway.

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You should see the other post regarding bag space.
I said the same thing regarding utilizing your bank if you’re not in dire need of a specific gear set.

Got torched for it.
People create their own problems then ask others to solve it and dictate whether they approve of the solution or not.
Can’t help them all. :dracthyr_shrug:

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There’s enough room in bank + bag to store and keep anything you want… invest in bigger bags or run ony and get the bags lol You don’t need to carry around 20 sets of gear and 400 of each potion… Hope you have a great day Bluraydrive :people_hugging:

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The amount of people falling for this bait is insane lol

Event letters and quest items is the main issue I ever see. They never go away and never know shen needed

Stop hoarding things you don’t use/need.