Game is unplayable - this is not acceptable

I mean you don’t think that they would if they could?

If it’s a congestion problem you just have to wait.

If there’s an actual problem with the code they’ve got to go through and find it.

I promise you they’re not any happier than you guys are.

part of new launches means things like this can happen. Plan accordingly


I can almost guarantee this is a code problem, not an equipment problem. Keep adding new code on top of old code and things occasionally behave in strange ways you don’t expect.

I would take 4 hour queue times over this to be honest. At least if you got on you could play, like when Endwalker launched. That was a rough time for SE.

The class action suit is targetting 950million in compensation to the players.

That’s a bad feeling: making time to play, only to stare at the loading screen.


I’m not a networking engineer. I can’t even begin to go into why these issues are happening.

To that same effect, neither can you. Neither of us know what we’re talking about so all we have is just complaining for the sake of complaining.

They have the tech available. They have multitudes of servers that are actively running all at the same time. WoW itself is built on over 20 years of network coding. Years upon years of additional code building on top of one another in an engine that’s been in use since Warcraft III. There is bound to be some spaghetti code in there that can muck things up if things aren’t linked properly.

You’ve also got individuals and teams working at Blizzard that probably shift through employees like a revolving door, each needing to be re-taught how the infrastructure operates.


Class action lawsuit, against who?

I don’t get the boat issue going on this long, at least on Tichondrius and Moonrunner servers. I was fine all day, then hearthed back to Stormwind and now I can’t get back. They should just throw down a portal or something. Didn’t they do that on some other expansion?

Yes. And like every failed launch, plus the pressure of this being the “make or break” expansion for WoW.

Blizz will, like always, are going to send everyone a Mailbox present with a free mount or popciclye toy claiming “So sorry” and everyone will move on.

I’ve been in these shoes. I remember WoD launch, I took a week off from work. I think I played a total of 4 hours lol. I learned my lesson. I get the frustration…but it isn’t really a shock.

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They should be doing both

Happens every xpac, give it a rest.

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This isn’t an issue for everyone, aside from the small blip today with the quick worldserver crash been able to hit 70 and enjoy the content getting all the glyphs and such blizz will give nothing and they don’t have to…this happens every xpac you’d think people would learn

I agree, this is the worst of the worst it’s so bad and annoying I can’t even remember how crap WOD launch was but this is by far the worst launch in recent memory. I would MUCH rather a 8000 person queue than getting in and each action takes literally 3 minutes to trigger.


I get that, and I’m not here raging at my computer eating Cheetos. I just want to get the point across to all the people that say “it happens every time” that just because it happens doesn’t mean we HAVE to accept it as ok, or eat the loss happily there are justifiable reasons to be upset and frustrated.

Perfect example^^
Eat a poop sandwich long enough and the poop sandwich becomes normalized and generally accepted. Or this is just a shill, or completely out of touch with reality either way. :sweat_smile:

Did you miss MoP or WoD launches? This launch has been fine, some stuff effects other people or regions diff I’ve had no issues aside at launch time the first zep for horde sent us all back to org and the recent world server blip which is now fixed…this is expected as it happens every year…

Yes, and this is the same advice that we gave on these forums back in SL, and BFA etc. ertc. It’s such a broken record at this point that for this expansion we started a launch day bingo card and “I TOOK OFF WORK FOR THIS” was right at the top of the whine list. People just never learn.

I have zero sympathy for people who take time off work for this. Those people can log on any time of day when servers aren’t busy. People that are working can not. And any MMO with a population the size of WOW’s is going to experience some issues on an expansion launch. I’ve been on since 5:30 eastern time and the lag started around 9 pm. I rebooted my computer, had a slow log back in and have been playing up to 11:15 pm. I play on Zuljin which is a full server. This is NOT the end of the world. Grow up people.

Just because wod and mop were worst i played then it was miserable doesn’t make it ok now? why do u people keep going back well its not wod who cares??? its broke now and its miserable literally 20 years of game experience still cant figure it out, stop shilling for them


This launch has not been fine, an enormous amount of us haven’t been able to do a single thing for over 30 hours. I have 14 level 60s across 7 different server populations and none of it is working correctly.

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Because it’s not all preventable. These are unforeseen problems. You can’t rub a crystal ball and suddenly have perfect clarity on any issue.

New code on old code… Mix in a few million people and your results are always going to be unexpected.

That’s why tempering your expectations is the only real solution

no, i get there but blizzards crystal ball comes with 20 years of experience