Game is unplayable - this is not acceptable

They’ve gone that route before.

There’s probably more than 50 dead or dying servers in North America alone as a result of it.

The rate is about 2 cents per hour. I doubt WOW has been down long enough to require one full day of refund

Well it happens in many other games to like wow it’s kind of hard to be surprised and the majority of people here been playing wow long enough to know lol. Name another game like wow who don’t have these same issues.

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I would be absolutely okay with the game being in the state that it is if the dev team at least acknowledged that the issue is there, and that there are doing something to remedy said issue. There are being completely apathetic to the entire situation and leaving us all on read. They are making it clear that they do not care - and if they DO care, they’re doing a pretty bad way at showing it.


I have had zero problems. Did you transfer to a full server like a sheeple?

Hell, even FFXIV has these issues every time a new expansion launches.

This isnt true, I leveled a DK on stormreaver server to 60 just in case this happened, and I havent been able to play that for 2 days either.

Again this isnt true. ^^ see up there

This is what gets me. They have the means and the available skill set to improve on it greatly, however they decide it is not of importance to the game and continue to ignore it. It’s like they aren’t even overseeing the launch of their new video game, they just tossed it out there and are going to check back in in a week.

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I’ve been on the same server forever, this isn’t classic. Retail has cross realm/faction, doesn’t matter for servers anymore really.

And here I thought my mouse and keyboard were going on the fritz because of nothing moving. And come to find out it’s just Fudging game lag the whole time. LOL

Things are fine on my servers but if people still can’t play properly on theirs they should get double credit for lost time. A few hours is to be expected on launch/patch days, but this is a bit much.


If Blizz was paying people, I could understand getting defensive, but people throw money at Blizzard to have access to a product they will never own, and still defend the company to their dying breath. Insanity.


I think sometimes ya’ll just whine to whine. It’s a little ridiculous. New expansion, tons of new fun content, have some server issues to go with it. Pretty standard. Here’s them acknowledging it. Maybe take the 1-2 seconds to look before you just add to the cacophonous hordes of malcontents.

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I do NOT want credit for the time lost, I have never advocated to be compensated for the hundreds of hours lost due to this kind of issue. I simply want them to invest profits they earn to getting better equipment.

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This lagg is beyond bad, I mean come on Blizzard.

Forget even trying to level up any professions or loot anything for a quest

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I want a refund

Dragon riding is great, it’s the only thing working properly. Two days, billion dollar company, still can’t keep things under control.



Nobody here understands game development. It’s not like the developers just uncork a bottle of champagne and call it a night, leaving the players to fend for themselves for the next week.

Blizzard does not update their community unless there’s an update important enough to be shared. This usually means they go either hours or even days without updating the community while working behind the scenes to fix issues.


Back at playing the new pokemon lol

you are part of the problem

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