Game is still down

(Sitting on the server select screen and looking at the clock)


The retrieving realm list is a cruel joke.


*Repeatedly clicking the reconnect button hoping something changes."

We really are like rats in a Skinner box pressing levers for another hit of coke. Sad lol


same im in screens with yall waiting to plunderstorm

That is one angry cat. Quick someone get them a bowl of tuna!


Dear Blizzard

Where Game?

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lol just added an hour.


New notice on launcher… Unavailable for play until 9AM.

they changed it to 9 now

Its extended till 9am

The one Tuesday I’m actually home and maintenance is getting extended :frowning:

Hopefully they’re working on fixing all the UI bugs introduced with Plunderbust.


I’m sure this has been answered before…but why isn’t the maintenance done during the twilight hours? Why not do it from 3am-5am? Is it because there are far more players online on the other side of the world during that time?

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I have meta achievements to work on for the bestest good boy. What is this waiting thing?


After 2 decades, you’d think they would just take it down for 4-6 hours and not promise an hour of downtime.

But then they would have to bring in the skeleton crew to work and noone wants that job lol

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They figure people have jobs in the morning

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Night shift costs more, less data center techs want to work and devs are asleep, so they do it during the day so everyone is in full force in the event something fails.

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It’s peak trolling and it triggers me because I want the adrenaline hit of the vault I have to have it.

they pushed it up one hour so instead of one hour of down time it is now two

That’s fair. Hadn’t considered that. I work from home, and would assume most people who play work from office. Good point.

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