Game is no longer fun

I had ideas about how to make mana management more relevant again without having the permanent running out happening. But this would drastically affect pve though, so it would have to be done in a way that doesn’t cause them to Reee.

But the idea is to make healing mana similar to Ret’s, you only get so many uses then you have to wait still it regenerates back. Obviously it wouldn’t be has limited as Ret’s need to be. But enough so that in say a 2 to 3 minute fight with constant healing the healer would have a 3 or 4 seconds of healing down time while they recovered the mana back to full. Or have the mana run out much quicker with constant use. Then have healer use an ability like Innovate and Divine Plea regularly to get their mana back up, so they still have this down time to play around.
In this way they can’t just keep their allies alive basically forever. But they won’t go oom and stay oom either. Making it so they have to play more of triage game, or something like that.

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