Game is no longer fun

Since everyone has gotten set bonuses, the game has gotten so awful.

It’s a situation where some classes have incredible sets vs. those who don’t. It feels like garbage to play because it’s shockingly bursty. Nearly every death, I find myself looking at my combat log to understand what the heck just happened.

It’s not fun, and it’s just a frustrating mess.

Since the game is so incredibly bursty, there’s an overreliance on healers. New healers probably really struggle because they don’t know all the abilities, and they end up not being able to heal on time, pretty much ever. I’d say more tools need to be given to healers to succeed, but those with experience seem to be doing decent enough, so that’s risky.

Some classes need to be adjusted a lot when it comes to damage :

  • Hunters: Rework craven, or disable it entirely if you can’t figure out how to balance it. Also, reduce rapid-fire damage.
  • Warlocks: Start by disabling the destruction set bonus because you messed that up badly.
  • Mages: Put a cooldown on polymorph, and remove the ring of frost from the fire mage toolkit.
  • Rogues : Damage after vanish should get them out of stealth, and dots should keep them out of stealth)
  • Shamans: Put a longer cooldown on wind shear
  • DeathKnights: Abomination limb should last for a shorter duration.
  • Warriors: They’re fair.
  • Monks: The class needs to be adjusted to be less reliant on percentage modifiers; otherwise, you’ll never be able to balance it.
  • Paladins: They’re fine.
  • Druids: Remove the cc immunity from guardians; slows shouldn’t be removed when switching forms or give them some switch form charges.
  • Priests: Give chastise a casting time.
  • Demon hunters: Force them to use more abilities to be a threat.

This is just a small list of things you could change to improve the game. Good luck to all of you.


you forgot mages: nerf frost burst


can i have your stuff?


I think the nerf to polymorph would be enough to give everyone all the time they ever need to lock the frost mage from casting frostbolts, and nearly never being able to get a proper go. I hate frost mage the way it is right now as much as you. If it was that strong, wouldn’t I be having fun playing it? It’s one awful spec that spams one single ability until you get a brain freeze procs to cast flurry and then cast some more frostbolts. It sucks to play.

I’d give it to someone I know, but I’m hoping the game will get better once we gain access to talent trees. Fingers crossed.

I’m on a break!

yea but you didnt ask for any actual damage nerfs for mages. ive seen them blow people up and been blowed up by them too

I didn’t, because it’s their only gimmick. It also has to scale up, you got to cast 10 frostbolts in a row while icy veins is activated to max damage bonus. If you see the cc the mage during that scaling up sequence, you’ll always get the mage to pop a PVP trinket or ice block to continue doing damage. Because outside of icy veins + deathborne, the damage is very weak, Gracie.

I agree the spec is awful to play against. I hate being on the receiving end of the burst, but it’s not as horrible as destruction warlocks.

yea but anything with the new trinket that can hit as hard as frost is op

Why post this again?

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Phew! Thank god I passed.


i find fun in wow depends on what class you play im having more fun now that im on my rogue then playing some other classes i have in pvp.

It’s a 20 second cd AND a channel. It should be hitting pretty hard.

forgot to mention none of these problems exist while partysyncd into 51-59.

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Just stun them and kill them…

I used to play PVP much more than PVE, since I’m returning player I still have some catch up to do but I get 1 shot killed by more than half the enemy players.
Only moment when this kind thing happened was during Vanilla but it was possible only when a fully purple geared player was killing a brand new fresh level 60 player all green equipped.

I’ll not try to say that PVP should be fair in WoW, this never was the case since the very beginning but the power creep right now make Shadowlands the worst PVP playing I ever did.
How is it suppose to be entertaining to see your character being nothing else an easy HK? Nobody on earth would pay a penny for that waste of time.
To clear up a lot of PVE content in order to unlock the PVP gear upgrade felt weird and misplaced but still, I like also PVE (on smaller dosage) so I might just very well do it.

I didn’t think the WoW-PVP feature could reach that state tbh, I played many PVP video games, never I have seen what Shadowlands PVP is, even smurfs on FPS are less annoying than that… it’s a cold, plain disaster.

Many skills have more than 1 min CD + can be interrupted and doesn’t do half the damage that RP do, just saying :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s very true, that’s why I still play my H-Priest, but I fear that as soon I reach 60 I might just wait the xpack before putting one more dollar on this game :worried:


Name a core rotational ability with a 1 min CD that can be interrupted and does half the damage of rapidfire.

Quickly, on my Rogue there’s Killing Spree & Death from Above

DfA is 30 seconds and lets you immune cc if you time it.

Killing Spree is aoe focused and does more damage in aoe situations.

Both of these are talents and not core rotational abilities like rapid fire is.

removing iceblock would be more in line for a good mage nerf, a cd on poly wouldn’t do much as when properly played, poly isn’t chained, its alternated with some other school, so by the time you need to use it again, it would be off CD anyway. fake nerfs.

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Well I get blinded more than one time, and anyway, with the amount of players complaining about the current state of PVP in WoW, I don’t think I have to point out the issues.
Do I complain? Maybe I’m not sure yet, if I was 100% sure I wouldn’t waste my time on the forum, I would have moved on.
Long CD should hurt you’re right, so why not let Killing Spree immune to CC? Why should it be a core rotational talent which deal most of the damage? The tuning is complete crap from what I have seen so far.
It’s nothing against you personally or Hunters in general, it’s the PVP feature in Shadowlands

they rigged the bg. it just not right for the gear for the health and damage meters. it was supposed to be a 50 to 50 chance. it is not right for 70 to 30 chance. see this issue. they need to correct the error.

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