Game is no longer fun

if the ban process has escalated to a 7 day suspension for language that means they already have been chat banned for days/weeks/months(tops out at 10 months ask me how i know….) AND have already been suspended for 3 days.
some people don’t learn their lesson.


Eh… The couple times I got silenced inappropriately I appealed it and it got overturned in less than 24 hours.

The only time I went on extended vacation was when I insulted someone pretty harshly as I lost my temper.

This was before any social contract stuff. So not that big a deal and nothing’s really changed?

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it is not right to cuss. see what happened. i just leave sometimes. so i let it go. they started yelling at me. then i put the jerk on ignore. sad. it is a shame. i see thier premade guild, so i will just go and quit. no choice but to do it. i avoid trouble.

you have to pay attention to see what is happening. some people feel awful.

Ummmmm, there’s a pretty big difference between not being able to use chat and not being able to play the game

If it’s been changed to the latter, then something did change. It’s also possible the OP is just exaggerating and the “ban” was just the standard one with not being able to chat (but still able to play the game)

But with their track-record Blizzard can’t really be trusted with these undocumented/unannounced changes, so who knows - maybe it really is an actual ban now :roll_eyes:

Until the OP chimes in to clarify (whether it was a standard silence or an “actual” ban from the game) we don’t really know

I remember Torturekilla recently posted about catching a 7-day silence from a BG, but he didn’t really elaborate either (whether he was actually banned, or just a chat silence)

Which F word? Dropping a fk isn’t that bad, slurs? yikes

I HIGHLY doubt it is the latter. People have been getting silenced since forever. I haven’t heard of anyone getting a ban unless it’s for actual illegal stuff like bots or w/e.

We also have literally zero context or history leading up to being put on a time out. Based on the flippant manner in which the OP announced punishment, I would tend to believe there was more to the issue than an insta-ban. (edited for grammar)

Élo really likes to type in /i. His/her friend circle is also very well known for being constantly suspended for using slurs and griefing people

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It’s always a good idea to post on your main.

Nothing’s changing there. It’s just an elaborate re-hash of what’s already been in place for a long time.

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if they removed the exp exploit twinks it could actually be good lol.

Why are you talking about twinks?I’ve played with Elo before and i agree with him,I say the new genration of playerbase is useless.Most players just want kills but he had kills and still wanted the group to win.Thats rare now adays.Quit being useless to your group and work together for once.Can’t alliance man up for once and quit being,b******.New social contract so be carefull no matter what the forum dwellers tell you.

I preferred when healing was less stressful but mana was the big issue

just make mana run out in like 1.5-2 minutes with no abilities to drink and all healers equal in mana regen and mana recovery cooldowns

and nerf hybrid heals to the ground in pvp

vastly prefer healer mana running out quickly and the game quickly ending shortly thereafter

the current meta definitely hasn’t increased participation. Based on feedback it seems to have helped chase players away. But it is hard to see because so many players left due to gear and pve grind issues.

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Is your space bar broken?

100% Agree with this, as a casual PVPer who loves how the ORIGINAL Blizz team made the game, Today’s game is an absolute roll fest for either faction. Oddly, lower level BG’s will have that nice back and forth more often, until you face-off a premade. I keep coming back every few months to try ea. expansion, hoping for fun.

Dump borrowed power, dump gear ranking, and dump set bonuses/pve/competitive requirements. Let everyone be able to get honor/conquest gear regardless of mode with enough time investment, and then let it be purely skill driven.

It’d be far easier to balance stuff out like this too, plus more people would probably play, rather than realizing they have to do a thousand things to stay relevant and still potentially be behind.

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This was awesome, you made my day!!

I had ideas about how to make mana management more relevant again without having the permanent running out happening. But this would drastically affect pve though, so it would have to be done in a way that doesn’t cause them to Reee.

But the idea is to make healing mana similar to Ret’s, you only get so many uses then you have to wait still it regenerates back. Obviously it wouldn’t be has limited as Ret’s need to be. But enough so that in say a 2 to 3 minute fight with constant healing the healer would have a 3 or 4 seconds of healing down time while they recovered the mana back to full. Or have the mana run out much quicker with constant use. Then have healer use an ability like Innovate and Divine Plea regularly to get their mana back up, so they still have this down time to play around.
In this way they can’t just keep their allies alive basically forever. But they won’t go oom and stay oom either. Making it so they have to play more of triage game, or something like that.

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I won’t say you’re wrong, but 2006 was so wild for WoW that it’s hard to say if anything mattered. I mean look at Classic - they’re doing hard raids like they’re a joke.

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Because they always were a joke, its just people back then didn’t bother to strategize, or even optimize. Let alone play properly. But again the whole thing was a new experience for everyone.