Blizzard is Shutting down in 2022…(rumor) - YouTube
But this is just rumor.
Blizzard is Shutting down in 2022…(rumor) - YouTube
But this is just rumor.
Contrary to what many people think, I don’t want the game to die. I just think the game needs a serious reality check and I’m glad it’s getting fed a slice of humble pie by the competition recently.
Yeah. But I doubt wow is going to pick itself back up again. I really believe wow is toast.
But if a miracle does happen I really hope things can go back to normal.
I just can’t see them putting their pride aside, admitting faults or mistakes and promising to do better then delivering.
The closest we get is they probably apologize then continue on the same path of ignoring feedback for the 4th expansion in a row until its too late (again).
Yeah. The radio silence is killing wow. No one wants to play a game with Devs not talking.
If Blizzard’s microphone is dead maby some batteries can help.
Ion has tweeted twice this year and last logged in 22 days ago.
Maybe a blue post or something? Like people still play your game Ion we jsut want to know whats going on.
This is a really bad time to do radio silence.
A blue post would be nice. Where is the Blue Love from Blizzard?
they’re fixing the game!
Mark my words - This is going to be merely a bandaid for the gunshot wound that is WoW design post-Legion. We’ll be watching some data scrape 8 months from now showing that this patch did nothing of consequence to fix what is a foundationally-flawed MMO.
Call me crazy if you want now - but you’d better come back and tell me how right I was in 8 months.
You linked a 22-minute Bellular video that should have been a graph.
Do better.
Do better okay? I can do better by watching this game die from lack of subscriptions to keep it up. Blizzard did this to itself. I’m just watching this ship sink is all.
Hint 1 FF14 is receiving a mass amount of WoW players leaving WoW behind.
Maby you might want to take a look into why?
i don’t know how that would work with anima but sure with the renowned that could work. there would be no point to alts if there was nothing to do with them. anima and the relics are the only play system alts have lol.
they do this stuff every expansion towards the end of live for the expansion. this isn’t new and has nothing to do with the sub loss because they are still hitting the money cap lol. i don’t know why people are leaving wow ff14 it is even more convoluted then wow could every be lol. so yeah i guess they just like overly convoluted games and so that is way. oh also this thing about the wow community being toxic and ff14 not but that is because that is a woke company who bans people for the slights thing lol.
seriously your trolling like many others getting old, there working on improving there game and also giving what people been asking for, WoW isn’t going turn into magical land that fits your needs overnight.
They hadn’t posted any communication of the changes today when I posted that, You think I can see the future? Thanks for stopping by the thread but them fixing things after half the game is left, the lawsuit has popped up, documents were shredded doesn’t mean they’re genuine about their intentions.
‘‘legit’’ 2015 called and wants its buzzword back.
this is what they been doing since mop so i am sure it has nothing to do with the lawsuit and i for one don’t care about the lawsuit. its going to end like all lawsuit against big companies do a slap on the wrist and then once over you people wont talk about it any more. kind of like the whole hong kong thing long forgot about lol.
I 100% agree with you on this.
Is it what people have been asking for?
No, not really. If people are leaving WoW for a game that can’t even do quest turn-ins correctly, let them.