Game is legit dying

fix the game maybe blizz?



Don’t worry we’re getting new ear sizes and you can solo Islands in 9.1.5

Thank god they addressing the big issues the game is suffering with.


I see you people responding. Don’t feed it.


you responded also though


All the new “hair colors” will surely stem the tide of all the unsubs and stop the bleeding :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Really is telling that their big guns at the moment is more customization options. I didn’t think their “In case of emergency, break glass” thing would deviate from the “announce an LGBT character whenever we’re in hot water” approach, but apparently “Promise character customization options when we’re in hot water” might be the new normal.


Nothing quite like making a big point about not releasing any more customisation options during the expansion then backflipping 180* gold medalist olympic style when subs start vanishing.

Unfortunately they already pulled that one recently with chromie, it’s too early to return to the well - People would have seen straight through it this time.


Depending on human resources, it may be the easiest/fastest thing to add at the moment.


You see, the righteous thing to do in 9.1.5 would be to blow the SL systems up. Accept the L that is Shadowlands.

Let us freely swap between covenants. Make anima and renown account-wide, no more gating on the Redeemed Souls. Conduits account-wide or purchasable with anima. Stuff like that.

But Blizzard is too arrogant for that lmao.


Except it’s not… Lol.


Apparently the Department of LGBQ NPC Development was gutted in the recent purge, leaving only the art department to carry on.


I know, it’s almost as good as removing /spit or getting rid of NPCs to prove to the playerbase that Blizzard is doing something for its customers, and it’s employees.

Why is it always the cheap way out with this company?


I’m not so sure. We’re dealing with people who believed Blizzard a third time when they’ve “heard our concerns loud and clear and will be taking measures to ensure an enjoyable play experience” despite they’ve said that every expansion since WoD.

Even BFA was prefaced on the promise that “We’ve learned the mistakes of Legion and won’t repeat them again”. . . then repeats them again though at least the Azerite Gear vendor only took until 8.1 unlike the Legionadary Vendor coming in 7.3.5. . .

Think the only thing they learned was somehow we hated the systems because there weren’t enough of them.


Insightful discussion, ta.

Equally deep response: ya shuuure.


As much as I dislike the current game’s direction, I really dislike the hyperbole with “the game is dying” , “Blizzard shutting down!” , “WoW is deeead!”. They were the most sold PC game of all time before Cyberpunk, not to mention all the money made from WoW tokens and people buying their fancy store mounts. The game is definitely not dying or dead. Maybe not popular at all with the public and their image is tarnished. But money is a different story, and they’ve already made tons of it from that initial hype. Sadly nothing’s really changed.


I’m not disputing that, but don’t you see that as literally a huge problem? The fact their heavy artillery to justify returning to 9.1.5 so far isn’t doing away with systems, dialing them back, or addressing player concerns with the game. It’s literally the “easiest/fastest thing to add at the moment” feature being the poster child of this patch.

I could whip a mob into a frenzy, get forced into a public apology and if I just said “K, well the easiest thing I can do here is just say sorry so that’s what you get” and leave, people would be rightfully pissed off, it comes off as uncaring, insincere, and outright disrespectful.

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Thats honestly my bet. Its by far the easiest and fastest thing you can do atm. Thing is they dont have much time for the rest.

Island expeditions are better than anything in SL.


But at the same time there’s a lot of things that are out of their hands.

They got themselves into this mess for sure, but if you were just a low-level supervisor or manager you can’t make people stop walking out or protesting unless you fire them. and then you still don’t have people to make your game.

I’m with you on that.

Hell I’ll stick with my covenant, but let me chose the combat ability like a talent and only bind my utility to my covenant. Get rid of Conduit energy and conduit’s being account-wide should have always been a thing.

A part of me wants to hope the changes they’re implementing is because one of the new Blizzard Leads plays WoW and wants to fix the game’s direction, but I am skeptical. I’ll be hopeful, but I’m sure we’ll get burned again.