Game feels dead

Game’s been dying since vanilla according to some people, nothing new here

The difference is that the game really IS at an all time low now.

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One day in auberdine it was a festival. so many night elves. some shooting for ashenvale.

others getting their last rewards before the menethil march. Which by the way is good for skins. My walk to SW took longer as I was leveled for the crokolisks. it has skins? I can add a some time here lol.

When the menethil to SW death march is more fun than retail…its not good.

Yeah with the dumpster fire we just had with this xpac, not surprising. It’ll hopefully bounce back.

Not all of them, VR is pretty expensive. I’d be keen though.

An expansion announcement alone will bring some people back, but probably not everyone who usually would if they hadn’t already left and don’t plan to return.

I think some are waiting for the tag along, hopefully, announcement of wrath lol. This would make that april announcement get some spice imo.

10 is already off to a shaky start. the lead system designer quite. If their systems are in the 10…well the chance of pasta for dinner is high. Can you say spaghetti code? I knew you could

I have seen this get ugly in games like eve. Welcome to patch X.Y.Z. look at the new improvements.

Fly to my player owned station (POS), it went skynet and is firing at me and I own it. Joy…someone broke the code left by devs who left years ago. Again…

…Random Battlegrounds spam over the course of 2 years…

That’s what they did with Shadowlands and people didn’t like it.


It was rushed for sure, but it was just plain terrible all around. Not because it was rushed. Just because it was bad. The mounts and gear sets aren’t half bad though in some areas. Guess I have to give them that much credit.

The entertainment is in the chat. Watching a chat show a total breakdown as the an (epic) bg goes downhill is comedy gold.

You start fun games like. Take a drink everytime someone says “I played this in vanilla”. take a drink when someone says “I am 2100+”.

It isn’t like 10.0 is going to save anything.

Probably not, but at least we will have a bunch of new stuff and rebalanced classes to try out.

I played every Mythic + season since it became a thing in Legion, and this is the first time I’m seeing end-of-season levels of participation at the beginning of a season.

You guys should pray for the next expansion to be very good, otherwise, we’re gonna need to find another MMO to play soon.

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It feels dead because server tech is not working properly. Phasing and sharding is out of whack.

I see people all the time and my server isn’t very populated

It took 2 months to get full conquest gear on a character, which was ilvl 710.

Look a new system!

So its legion/bfa/sl…again?

No this is a new system.

The new system that will probably have the abbreviation AP, again.

Its not artifact power. its azerite power. now anima power. I see what blizzard is doing there. they like OOP (object oriented programming). they probably have the main class, AP. And just instantiating differently per expac lol.


My sub expires this week. Seeing all these crappy limitations I am not resubbing at all. My main 242 ilvl couldn’t even get into m0’s at times lol let alone get to ksm level. Blizzards knows it’s not reasonable yet they leave stuff in to appease to the elitist boost sellers. That is why me as a causal try hard player gave up the game. Getting good use of my sub fee on game pass, psn, ea play , oh my so many choices, heck I own all the game consoles as I’m sure many do. Blizzard picked a bad time to make feel bad game design choices.

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Not only are there more and more fun games out there, many of them understand that that’s it not a good thing to make their players feel punished for playing them.

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