Game feels dead

Sounds like you’re on a low pop server. The only time, this entire expansion, that I noticed even a slight decrease in player pop. was 2-3 weeks before 9.1. Before and after that it has been heavily populated.

That said, I know that your comment was about you and your mates so if you’re finding that you are still having fun then maybe try a more active guild.

Another perfect example of why the factions need to be eliminated.


Area 52 is always poppin. People literally everywhere all hours of the day.

I’m having a blast with PvP dunno what you mean, I’ll keep playing till 10.0 easily.

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Yeah because you’re at 260 ilvl.

I’ve got three characters all around 240, would love to keep playing because I love PvP, but I just get knocked around left and right from double-legendary players like yourself.

I want to invest, but as someone else already said, the ratio of time investment to fun isn’t rewarding enough.

I don’t play enough Shadowlands to make the gold required to be able to obtain the items I need to make the playing field level for myself, and to be able to continue playing and doing the content I originally enjoyed.

Maybe the next expansion will be casual friendly, who knows.

WoW will be written off as a whole if the next one is a flop. Shadowlands did permanent damage to the playerbase.


Far far more people play retail than TBC (classic). It’s not even close.

dead is a big word but its deader than ever

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It’s a goal-oriented MMO unless you got unfinished business like a mount your missing or some mogs it is going to be deadville until 10.0 or beta.


That has been a big issue with this entire expansion, hasn’t it? Just no real goals to set. Everything is still too RNG heavy, except now we have fewer things to get in a session.

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WRA has always been a high to full pop server. Over the last year i have noticed vastly fewer players on the server both on Alliance and Horde side. Three quarters of the people in my RP guild quit about six months ago.

we’ll be fine, OP.

you and your playmates might be bored though.

Let’s just hope Ion doesn’t see his shadow and add 6 more months of 9.2, aka Season 5!

if they cant develop 10.0, they will extend.

they can’t release it early and incomplete - they already tried that with Shadowlands - so now you are going to get super-long release intervals instead.

I’d be okay with that if we get a return of the “when it’s done” quality. I am tired of the release it now, fix it later game development cycle all the big publishers force.

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Dead is a big word but live does not have a good pop, when I TBC has more players then live blizzard needs to start saying OK what is going right on this one and what is wrong on the other.

Wait until next Tuesday and assess.

Depends on the server, mostly. Mine (Turalyon) isn’t very active nowadays. Even trade chat is as silent as the grave. Meanwhile on servers like Illidan and Area 52, there’s a lot of hustle and bustle. I’ve toyed with the idea of transferring one of my alts over to a more active server, but I’m not sure if I will follow through on that yet.

Not unless Blizz does something clever like attaching a feature as an unlockable farm in current content but I don’t see them being that organized or clever.

Knowing this beast, odds are they’re just looking to bank on inflated hype when the 19th drops.

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lol it is not booming.

I can tell my server is really low pop because of the AH. Phasing the realms makes it seem more populated than it is. I think it’s time to start merging servers that are low pop.

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