Game features you want?

An npc that can skip you to any boss that can drop a mount from old raids, iex; ICC (25H), SoO (M), DS (25H). They can still stay rare but good god I would love to have a quick skip to the boss instead of having to sit through rp for an hour.

I’m sure a lot of farmers would be thankful to have this, because I’m sick of running ICC (25H) for the 50 billionth time, 7-8 years in a row now. And you know how everyone loves doing Deathwing’s Spine :blush:

Body types and game-wide customization features like hairstyles/beards/etc. More reasons to play wow for casual players and engage with the people you’re phased with. RPers create their own content and whatnot. More things to make that more interesting would be nice, like those BFA npc emotes/stances.

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The Dance Studio giving us the ability to swap out dances.

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  • Visual updates to the world; start small by pulling Stormwind out of 2004 instead of redoing the entirety of Outland (if they’re going to change things that we’ve had for years, at least make changes that people actually want)
  • Related to the above, more regular updates for older NPC models, namely the ones that have been untouched in 17 years such as gnolls, furbolgs, and most dragons
  • Regular barber updates based on player feedback
  • Future playable races and what factions they go to also being based on player feedback, to avoid a repeat of the void elf vs. high elf and mechagnome vs. sethrak debacles
  • More transmog available from vendors, missing pieces of certain sets becoming obtainable, unused tints for some items finally seeing the light of day
  • Ability to change your spell effects’ colors at the barber to that of another magic type (e.g. fire, frost, arcane, holy, shadow/Void, fel, anima)
  • Eyewear being given its own transmog slot so you can wear glasses or an eyepatch with any helm that doesn’t cover your character’s face
  • Option for casters to channel their magic through their weapons instead of just their hands
  • Warglaives usable by warriors, rogues, DKs, and monks, staves and polearms usable by DHs
  • A story that doesn’t constantly contradict itself and isn’t being helmed by a team that’s clearly making it up as they go along
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Dynamite to make fishing faster.

Archeology digs not located smack dab in the middle of hostile mobs.

World Bosses not located smack dab in the middle of dense packs of Elite mobs.



simpler wow the game has steadily got worse as the lsst 3 expansions were released. only one good thing out of all of it was keys which many claim ruined wow to. idk broken ridiculous overloaded systems and peoples annoyance exploded this expansion basically a whole new direction . and when things are actually okay in the game like specs quit ruining them next expansion with some crazy change you think the player will love and they dont and said changes leave specs to rot forever.

you do have ‘free’ aim on aoe on a lot of classes already, pretty sure in fact rogues do as well

Free aim and multiple target abilities isn’t really the same, you still have to focus one target as opposed to just removing any form of hit cap and letting people attack as many mobs as they want with any of their abilities. Basically make all abilities aoe without minimizing the damage to targets that isn’t your main one.

lots of classes you can walk into a group and aoe without targeting anything

and this isn’t going to happen - in fact it is ridiculous to even suggest, you must only do old content

A) Add progression options for open world content:

  1. Scaled progression- everything scales with you
  2. In-zone Progression- each zone starts challenging then with gained xp and gear gets easier

B) Add experience options for open world content:

  1. Explorer- original xp for each expansion
  2. Defender- xp for lvl 10 to lvl 50 is divided up per expansion
  3. Conqueror- present quick system

C) Add difficulty options for open world content:

  1. Easy- low danger
  2. Advanced- medium danger
  3. Challenging- high danger (Cata expansion difficulty)

D) Add back in all old content, especially the class quests

E) Talent trees

F) Option to turn off/on all markers/arrow on both mini-map and map.

G) Option to off or on auto-attack.

H) Add Old World Azeroth timeline to Chromie options.

Class skins, would open up the possibility of so many new race/class combos. It would all be cosmetic so no systems to balance.

No. This is not a lobby game. No instant access.

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delete level scaling.

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All zones and content should be relevant at all times. I should be able to gear at max level in any zone in the game. Look at what ESO did with One Tamriel, and do that with WoW.

It was just a suggestion, no need to get uppity.
We’re also gonna ignore that something I asked for is available in some expansions;

If this was so much of an issue for you, you could of ignored my comment from the start :roll_eyes:

Player housing.


This is what it comes down too. Only their “vision” matters.

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I would love if class legendaries scale too, not to the point where they can replace expansion gear but enough to where people would wanna keep them in their bags, as of now I only keep the main hand of fangs of the father because of the slowfall but other than that there’s no use for them a couple of levels after getting it.


Jaina does this all the time, and I want it so bad!!! Also, frost DKs do it with howling blast! Want want want want!

this would be awesome and the perfect use of chromie time! and make chromie time usable after 50!!


As part of their work time all devs should play for 3 hours a week/fortnight on a roster. They arnt allowed to play with each other or tell people they work for blizzard. They simply play the game that we play. I don’t think things like the level 6 korthia grind would exist if this happened.

I think they would find so many bugs etc that would annoy them and get fixed too. How is the tentacle in plaguefall still bugged and not stunable?