Game features you want?

I have 22 hours left on my sub. I kinda miss playing Blade & Soul but it’s new update is too big to fit in my surface pro, Riders of Icarus is kinda dead or at least dying, I’d like to see WoW get done with tab targeting and just have free aim or at least give us an option to choose. I also think that if they ever do mounted combat again then they should look at RoI, I feel like that’s hands down the best mounted combat focused game, give mounts unique abilities and give people an incentive to collect recolors.
I think we should have free aim just cause most classes have multiple aoe abilities and it would just make more sense to be able to focus multiple target rather than one at this point. Also wanna see them expand on Chromie time appearance wise, We’re past the cataclysm times, a lot of cities and towns should be finished with rebuilding, outland should be for better or worse, Corrupted Eternal Blossoms and Uldum should be less corrupted. If a person wants to see those environments in ruin then they could just use chrome time.

A setting where female toons are rendered as bowls of fruit.


Monthly in-game surveys for all active players to fill out in order to provide feedback on things the Devs are considering, or game features/systems which already exist.


My sense of humor is really broken at this point. I keep laughing at this.

Master Looter


Development team with a spine.


player housing. AH “Buy orders”.


Bicep Slider

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An Expansion / Game system that’s not hindered by some obscure sense of “RPG”
Player Housing
A Companion system, similar to the one in FF14 but not limited to one mount
An Emote Tab
Tinker Class
Sethrek as a playable race
New Capital Cities that take the place of Stormwind and Orgrimmar (Or overhaul them that’d work too.)
Better Story telling, and less reliant on outside of game novels

I could go on…

A dating sim feature letting us romance a player or NPC (from a preset list of options) of our choice!

Doesn’t need much of a practical benefit. Only to fill the lonely void consuming our souls and add more lovecraft to this game of war. :hearts:


ok some of you may like this one! after hours of horrific archeology, i decided not only are most sites just too unpleasantly big but its literally the opposite of fun when forced to dig with a non-druid.

so add special equipables like archeology outfits that make digging faster, a burro that allows you to insta-mount while in a site, maybe an assistant that you can summon and turn in crated artifacts too!

its real niche but I would appreciate this stuff. (also, i learned that you can level real easily to 60 digging and now have a max level with level 51 gear…)


Realms without CRZ or mob scaling


What is this? You just want to see all the emotes in the game or do you want an emote maker?

The biggest thing I think I would change is the exclusionary design philosophy. It’s the reason why BoEs are so bad, why crafting sucks, and why people buy boosts.

Just remove the extra difficulties if things or remove the item tiers. The difference between items can be cosmetic (like recolors or new models). The power gap between 2 level 60 characters at opposite ends of the spectrum is too great, and it needs to be closed.

Add crafting back to endgame. Recipes that drop in raid, m+, and pvp that require materials from raid or m+ Or pvp should exist and be an option to gearing. IO exists, someone buying a set of 252 crafted gear isn’t going to get them into your pug, but it will set them up to create their own.

The immediate reaction to this will be “ah! Then casuals could be just as geared as me!” And yeah, maybe. But that’s not a bad thing. More people keep playing instead of hitting the wall and quitting. It worked like this for years, btw. Many expansion had BiS items coming from crafting. That needs to return, imho, and in a big way. Basically, if we close the gap between players, people can play together for fun instead of to overcome artificial barriers.


It’s a minor thing, but as someone who’s been playing a different game with one. I have found it incredibly convenient.

A small separate tab with all the emotes available in the game, pre-macro’d that can be dragged as buttons to your hotbar with little work. While I have no issue with typing /emote overall, it’s be a nice QoL for lazy players especially. :blush:

It’s only slightly ironic that I have found so incredibly useful in a different game, while Blizzard is seemingly removing all of their emotes from theirs. :rofl:


A good game?

  • Zero Time Gating.
  • Compelling narrative.
  • Zero parasitic/temporary systems.
  • Everything 100% Account wide.
  • Not a “balanced” game, because that is impossible. But real, frequent and consistent tuning of classes. Not a single spec running rampant for 4 patches in a row. Or random 10% buffs across the board to underperforming classes, that mean nothing.

Honestly anything less than that is not going to “revive” the game. Period.

And even more “honestly”, all the above are not big asks. They are VERY reasonable.

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Account-wide reps. Please, I am now begging.


-tail options for worgen, option for worgen male to stand properly
-account based banking for gold and sharable items
-lower market cap on wow tokens so more players can afford them with ingame gold

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cries in 40k gold that I spend on things I won’t use after 5 minutes instead of saving

I want to see fun and rewarding play put back into the game.

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