Game features you want?

As part of their work time all devs should play for 3 hours a week/fortnight on a roster. They arnt allowed to play with each other or tell people they work for blizzard. They simply play the game that we play. I don’t think things like the level 6 korthia grind would exist if this happened.

I think they would find so many bugs etc that would annoy them and get fixed too. How is the tentacle in plaguefall still bugged and not stunable?


updated live intelligent AI. and ease the gear rng…so we can gear up again normally… take out mythic and make a totally diff erent game (world of warcraft mythic) where all all dungeons and raids are mythic only… and that the whole game no questing no story line no nothing just that. updated professions for real!!!.. real housing… no time gating or anything locked behind anything else… take away ilvls totally and max to level 60 then go horizontal more vertical… no more talent trees until you hit max lvl.


One path to gearing will never suit everyone. And everyone has a right to the same level of gear, given time and grind. No one is asking for free gear, just another path to getting said gear.


I want Horde and Alliance to be able to queue for stuff together and speak to one another.

Yes…you can buy the potion, but…it’s beyond time.

Have separate stories all culminating in the same instances and end game raids and let the players play together.

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If you aren’t a high end pvp’er then why should you have access to high end pvp gear? Why do you need it?

If you aren’t an end game raider why do you need access to high end raid gear and why do you need it?

16+ mythic raiding gear: same question.

Why does a player that doesn’t run in these circles need that sort of gear?

My neighbor down the road enjoys his guns. Should he be allowed to own a tank or field artillery? Should he be allowed an alternate way to acquire these since he is a private citizen and not his own country/military?

Why does a more causal player need end game, mythic level gear? I’m not arguing against, I’m just trying to understand the debate behind it.

Just this. That’s all.

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Adding the original ZG raid back in the game where they could either make a portal entrance in the Caverns of time or make a new entrance by ZG for the 5 man dungeon version and the normal entrance for the Vanilla raid version. Like how they did it for Kharazan re-make where you can do the OG one or the new one which has a different entrance. That is exactly how they should have done it for ZG.

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Un-censor the game is what i want.


Because this game is not exclusively for raiders. Raiders do not even experience the game. They log in, raid and log off. Catering to them is detrimental to the game.

I need it because i said so. And no one has any reason to question that.

This but also original sunken temple. The caverns of time are sorely under used.


Oh yeah. Actually all the Vanilla dungeons they destroyed. VC (Deadmines), SFK, Scholo, etc. Why they felt the need to even change those is beyond me. But that is one of the many reasons why I will always hate the Cata expansion and will always be at the bottom of my list.

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Totally agree. They were made ‘easier’ but the originals should be accessable.

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SoloQ for all.

I would love watching the solo queue lfr raiders trying t do mythic on twitch with casters treating it like the world first race. It would be great entertainment

It’s not.

Maybe, maybe not but has nothing to do with the fact that they need high end gear to continue their gaming experience and non-end game content does not require end-game raiding gear to experience.

Rewarding them with the gear required to experience that content is not “catering”.

Not good enough. It’s a waste of design and development labor to add un-necessary alternate means for casual players to acquire loot they don’t need to experience casual content.

And yes I do have the right to question anything posted on these forums if I am curious as to the reasons behind the post.

And maybe WoW should stop making only raid tuned gear then? Not everyone raids, not everyone wants to.

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Two changes I’d love to see are:
Letting us fly everywhere without the need for path finders or jumping through hoops.
Allowing us to stay in Chromie time until level 60 if that’s what we would like to do.

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Casual path to BIS gear, just make it take longer then how a raider would gear and it’ll be fine. Idc what others say this would be a plus.

Better pvp balance

Class skins

Troll beards

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Precisely, which is why you don’t need end game raiding gear since you don’t. So why do you feel you should get it? So you can NOT raid with it?

Pvp, unless they make mythic gear worthless in a pvp setting then there will always be a reason a casual player would want it. Also transmog. Raiders shouldn’t be able to one shot people in pvp for what they did in pve

A button that turns fruit into women.