Game crashes when attempting to use "aimed" ground spell

Just started noticing this today. Any attempt to use a spell that is aimed on the ground like an Evoker Deep Breath or Druid Celestial Alignment crashes the game.

I updated to the latest MacOS version and also did a fresh install of wow and disabled all add-ons. Anyone else experiencing this?


Experiencing this every time I try to cast Landslide. Only started happening today, and I can re-produce it every time.

I achieved a workaround by using a @cursor macro, but I really hope this gets fixed.

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Yep same here.

Started noticing it when playing Chronowarden and Flameshaper.
All the breaths. Deep Breath, Dream Flight and Breath of Eons all disconnect me instantly.

Have not tested landslide. But assuming its going to do the same.

Cursor indeed does work! Huge thanks !

Yup, same experience.

Figured out it was deep breath causing it after the third time it happened.

M3 Macbook pro, Sequoia 15.3.1

same experience here when casting Celestial Alignment or Dream Breath or Landslide or anything that requires drawing a path and clicking.

@cursor is a temp solution, but isn’t really ideal.

Macbook Pro M4 Max, 15.3.1
Doesn’t to happen unless I am using my external display which is interesting. Either thunderbolt to displayport, hdmi, or direct HDMI.

App: /Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/World of
Error: ERROR #!u! ( !#010x!) Fatal condition!
Description: Error Processing Shader: FileData ID 5446719 code:23 type:0
ProcessID: 14333
ThreadID: 259

<Exception.IssueType> Exception
<ExceptionType> Crash
ERROR #!u! ( !#010x!) Fatal condition! Error Processing Shader: FileData ID 5446719 code:23 type:0
  0 0x00000001030A5324 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  1 0x00000001030BAA6C "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  2 0x00000001030BF394 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  3 0x0000000103099CFC "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  4 0x0000000101CE236C "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  5 0x0000000101CE0094 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  6 0x0000000101CE4AE0 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  7 0x0000000101D90F1C "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  8 0x0000000101D56BC4 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  9 0x0000000101D62778 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 10 0x0000000101D604AC "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 11 0x0000000101D59070 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 12 0x0000000101D57ED8 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 13 0x0000000101D96A50 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 14 0x0000000101D968C4 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 15 0x0000000103128874 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 16 0x000000010310F3A0 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 17 0x0000000103113AE4 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 18 0x000000010313C248 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 19 0x000000010310EF0C "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 20 0x0000000100C7BAFC "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
 21 0x000000018FEA8274 ""           
ERROR #134
  0 0x00000001030A5324 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  1 0x00000001030BAA6C "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  2 0x00000001030BF394 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  3 0x0000000103099CFC "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  4 0x0000000101CE236C "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
  5 0x0000000101CE0094 "com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft"        
<EstimatedTrace> No
<ErrorDescription> Error Processing Shader: FileData ID 5446719 code:23 type:0
<Jira.JiraProjectId> 11701
<Jira.JiraProjectKey> WOW11
<Exception.ProjectId> 10

This is interesting. My issues are occurring on an M3 iMac. After reading your post I tested on my M2 MacBook Air (built-in display) and it also crashed.

It’s happening to me on a 2017 Retina i5 iMac.
Happens when I try to cast Deep Breath, Dream Flight or Dream Breath, either with my mouse or by clicking on the spell.

I also started a thread on this – Deep Breath crashes client. Seems like a pretty clear bug–any developers checking this out able to take a look?

Huge thanks for the @cursor macro work around shout out appreciate it.

Yep seeing this as well on my druid. I crashed in three instances: an epic BG, and 2 times in a random heroic. And it was exactly when I did the Celestial Alignment spell which involves ground targetting. Crash to desktop with same shader crash report Achr showed.

No crash with Efforescence as Resto, though. Maybe I need to be in an instance? I’ll try and post back if I crash there as well.

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Also happening to me on an M1 Pro after wiping interface back to baseline. Posted in a thread on the general bug forums but figured I’d post it here just to add numbers. Other thread: Deep Breath crashes client - #2 by Xizidor-nightslayer

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Same issue happening here. MAC intel i9 2018 game crashing when using aimed celestial alignment. not happening if it’s only the activated celestial alignment without the ground effect to aim. I tried to repair the game it didn’t make any difference. bug kept happening. @cursor macro worked.

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@cursor works, but it’s definitely not ideal. Hopefully someone can figure this out cuz my preservation evoker is suffering now haha

just started getting this with my boomkin chosen of elune spell
ug. happened 3 times while trying to do a timewalk, game kicked me out and gave me deserter the 3rd time

same, every time I cast celestial alignment the game crashes. I thought it was my game cache but when I logged on my husband’s computer, it was the same.

We both have Mac Mini’s

Mine is Apple M2 Pro 16 gb and my husband’s Apple M4 Pro 24 gb

We both have Sequoia

Started Tuesday for me after reset. I could not move without crashing in Siren’s Isle. Today was my 2nd time, inside a delve and I crashed / died / couldn’t get past 1st level in Mycromancer. I just needed Blossoming Delight too for the achievement!

Its also happening to me on Mac Studio M2 Ultra, 64GB RAM.

It doesn’t matter where I am, open world/PVP - if I attack or am attacked, it seems to happen more often. Have checked and lowered graphics from High down to Good but still happening. Purchased 1 yr 2 weeks ago, no issues until this week.

Unsure if its Blizzard or with the latest Sequoia update but something has changed.

priest feather (ground targeted) works fine for me

Same thing happens to me while using Landslide on my Evoker and Celestial Alignment on my Druid. M1 Pro Mac mini. I have not updated to Sequoia like others that are having the same problem.

We just pushed out 11.0.7 build 59302 which should have the fix for this issue


is this live or going live tuesday with maint?