Game Awards 2021 rumor: WoW on Xbox?

Other MMOs we’re built from he bottom up to run on consoles. WoW was not.

It’s a “rumor” every year.

“Don’t you guys have old consoles?”

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I have FFXIV on both PC and PS5 and honestly it’s great. Different content suited for different peripherals while still being pretty easy to do any content on all peripherals.

The only reason I don’t see WoW working on console is add-on support and how much of WoW isn’t developed because they leave it up to add-on developers.

Of course I don’t know how add-ons work on console if at all, because I’ve never had a reason to look into it.

FFXIV doesn’t have add-ons at all (on both PC and console). Elder Scrolls Online has a rich add-on scene on PC, but no add-ons are available for console.

Then again, Skyrim supports mods on console, so it’s clearly possible.

Would a console WoW have add-ons? Probably not.

Blizzard missed the boat when it comes to console gaming and WoW. The time to have done it was back when it was still gaining subs and Mr. T and others were doing tv commercials.

If Activision stock keeps dropping Microsoft might swoop in for the kill and rework the last three years of crappy content.

Someone else kinda summed it up below.

This isn’t FFXIV (I’ve played both and raided in both). WoW PvP is unplayable for console players. Raiding is impossible for them outside of LFR because they don’t have addons - which are absolutely required to complete any raid north of Normal, and even Normal may be a stretch for less-than-superior players without addons.

It would cause a huge chasm between console and PC players, and Blizzard wouldn’t be able to support both effectively. Things would change to benefit console players at the cost of PC players experience, and vice versa.

The game would only function properly for the exact reasons you’ve stated. Doing a bunch of crummy WQ’s on your couch, and that’s about it. If Blizzard wants to port this to consoles for players to get 15% of the overall game, I guess that’s on them, though.

ITs pretty simple actually.

Right or left trigger to bring up a menu and thumbstick through the selections on the wheel.

A as select button Y as jump x and B as button 1 and 2 or some such

That’s a problem Blizzard itself crreated, by going into an “arms race” with the addon community, making third-party software mandatory to play their game.

They could always build DBM into the console version. I’ve long said that with how mechanics-heavy raids are these days, even the PC version should have built-in prompts .

Well, that’s part of the problem with the game in general and the current expansion in particular - no decent content for world players. That’s something they could change, if they can tear themselves away from “raid or die” for a while… :slight_smile:

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Lots of classes would need full reworks to function well on controller most specs have 20-40 spells or abilities which doesnt translate well to 11 buttons some could be doable with modifiers but even then using all the buttons a controller simultaneously isnt great function. I know some people do play with controllers even now on PC but the mapping is usually insane or they only access certain spells. Heck even with a keyboard and mouse some classes have more skills than a person can reasonably hotkey.

How many spells do you normally use in a normal combat rotation though?

things like summons and ports dont need to be quick mapped

thats true, i mean there are a ton of spells i dont use at all, i would say for a typical rotation my main is a WW monk so i would say on an average fight including trinkets and cool downs about 24-25

really I thought x-box was rethinking their relationship with blizzard

Dps is one thing on a controller. Pinpoint heals and tanking timing just won’t work unless you have only have 4 spells. Taunt, attack, defense, and aoe attack.

In what way? Buy the IP? Not happening.

Buy out Blizzard? Not happening.

Buy out Activision-Blizzard? Hahahahahahaha

They’ve been prepping for WoW on consoles for a long time. It’s pretty obvious. Doesn’t have to be announced.

Frankly, there’s a lot of money there and the ability to help solve a PC problem : lack of players.

It’s inevitable

Just read a news report on this today and its interesting. More that it hasn’t happened already than anything. ESO went to console years ago and seems to be doing fine, and apparently That Other Game is also playable on console. If they can do it, certainly WoW could.

I dont have any problem with it, personally. Be interesting to see how it impacts the game though.

They talked about adding native controller support, which is a different thing than porting the game to consoles.