Game Awards 2021 rumor: WoW on Xbox?

Oh not to worry Clark, the Playstation extremists will give you just that. :stuck_out_tongue: /j

…Wait, why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As much i don’t think WoW on Consoles will do well because of the limited and sub-par nature of consoles in comparison to PCs from a consumer standpoint (i mean let’s be honest, you forgot Diablo 3 and Overwatch are on consoles besides the Switch until WoW on Consoles has been bought up, don’t ya?), i wouldn’t really object to WoW being on consoles.

wow is 100% playable on a controller. and the game already has built-in functions for controllers.

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I isn’t like they will do anything about their relationship.

I could see Blizz messing it up though like Gazillion did to Marvel Heroes to put it on console. It also made the PC version worse because they changed a lot about the PC version to work like the console version to save on development time in the future.

Being held back by consoles is always lame…

For example I understand PS5 is alright but XiV doesn’t have to only consider 5 but 4 as well. It took them 100 years to finally ditch PS3 support and then they could add a few more cheap UI elements.

It’s definitely not real.
WoW isn’t stupid enough to limit the game to just one console.
Also, XBOX is re-evaluating their working relationship with Blizzard-Activision since all the drama started to go down.

My level 10 White Mage on FF14 has more than 6 buttons…

…there’s 80 levels.

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Why? It wouldn’t be mandatory for you to play it on console.

I’m curious how many people have consoles, I always hear this being mentioned

It won’t be perfect, for sure… Blizzard is bound to make a mistake or two somewhere.

The console ports I know of, while they might not be perfect… I know Overwatch on the Switch isn’t exactly, good. :grimacing:

But I feel overall Blizzard’s console ports are half decent, and separated enough that I don’t feel this worry to much.

(Buz is now retired, this my new form. :wave: )

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Each FF job is like 1/4th of a class lol

Wouldn’t this be a good thing for the game to grow?

Hello, I see you posted in the console thread. I believe the worry is that, similar to FF14, if World of Warcraft was also on console, the PC version of the game would constantly be held back from advancing in various features because of console limitations. Currently, that’s not as much of an issue because of the power the Series X but that could be a problem for future versions of the game!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Great customer support, can I get a blue joke

Haven’t they been working on this for the past years now? I remember seeing official artworks for button layouts and so on.

If anything, that makes it MORE real to me.

Their only stake in Blizzard before was Diablo, really. With Playstation having FFXIV on console, bringing WoW to XBOX seems like EXACTLY the kind of move they’d make.

It’s absolutely the point of no return for WoW if that happens.

I was told there were six buttons never really played it.

Why would it be? FFXIV has done great on console, where they have a huge number of players. And while you have to buy the console version separately, the servers are shared between PC and console players, and everyone seems to be having a great time.

If WoW was to add a console version, they’d surely have to link it to existing servers. I can think of nothing more relaxing than kicking back on the couch and smashing out some quests.

Diablo 3 was a superb console port - many people prefer it to the PC version.

How exactly will healing work on console? I just don’t see it working

I don’t really see this happening. Addons are basically required to play the game, how would those work on Xbox?