Gambling in WoW

Gold saucer is literally vegas.

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That’s bait uwu


It’s not real gambling anyway. Plus these days TV Radio the amount of adds they do for gambling is a joke. Even on the Internet there is encouragement for kids to gamble. And The Australian government won’t stop of it cause of the tax’s they make of them. So kids are influenced every area of life atm.

I don’t know what “teen” means in your country, but in America it means Teenager. Teenagers are not adults. They are legally children.

Incompletely forgot about those things. Made a bunch on my inscribers and won nothing of value.

“Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.” The rating for WOW is correct.


Not the horror of scratch offs! My mom used to buy them at let me play them when i was a kid and i always got the damn lemon.

That reminds me, The Make it Rain Campaign is going on in FF14 right now lol.

Take it easy there bud. It’s just gold

18 is considered an adult in the U.S soooo

Quit feeding it folks!

No we on Roblox homie.

You’re disgusted by a player interaction that provides virtual ‘gambling’, costing virtual money to earn virtual money?

I mean… Priorities, man. Even Pokemon had this level of gambling.

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This is OUTRAGEOUS! You mean to tell me that these things actually sell? I can’t believe these things are so popular and sell so well and I have missed out on this cash cow for 10 years! Looks like I’m off to level inscription!

I got to do the pull-tabs.

Not to mention Deathrolls and the fact that anything to do with gold is connected to WOW tokens and real money.

How has nobody said “the parents should watch over their kid better and utilize the parental controls that blizzard implemented”.

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Man I hope you never played Pokemon Red and Blue

FF14 has a pretty good lottery system that I still. Haven’t. Won. And you get three tickets a week in that.

Sounds like a problem for their parents.

Also is it Sunday already? Did I seriously miss out on an entire weekend?