Gallywix the Great

Since Cataclysm, I have written about a dozen forums talking about various ways to use Gallywix. Defending him as a viable and cool character, as well as explaining the importance of having a dynamic yet abrasive leader/main character within the game.

I pushed for years and years to have his model match his art, when they finally did, they used a skeleton of a pygmy from cataclysm, which has less animations then the goblin skeleton. people said i was nit picking, i was simply pointing out the laziness. Though i do admit it looks good graphically, but it was still so much worse than it should have been.

Many of the things i had hoped they would do with him, they finally did in this expansion. My all time favorite WoW character finally got some love. This expansion showed his cunning, his strengths, his weaknesses, his flaws and even some of his more positive attributes. Such as his creative problem solving skills…

Much of the character that has only been developed in one short story and one novel and now this expansion has been completely ignored and thrown out the Window with the quest line for the Goblin heritage armor. Making him a bumbling idiot, and in the players eyes a nothing more than a bad joke and cannon fodder.

No other leader of the Alliance or horde would we be allowed to harm, betray, or belittle (lore wise) without our characters being betrayers of the horde or criminals of the state.

Blizzard booted him from leadership and replaced him with the most boring and basic B Goblin, Gazlowe.

What so many people fail to understand is having every single main character always be “Holy” Good" “kind” is boring and lame. The same people that salivate over killing Gallywix simply because he is fat and a tad obnoxious are the same people that say Sylvannis is the most perfect character ever.

If ANYONE actually looks into Goblin culture and the goblin starting zone, you would quite clearly understand that the player and the players allies are trying to off Gallywix. For the sake of becoming the Trade Prince. Goblin culture is all about ruthless and efficient business. Is Gazlowe a cool character ? YES of course.

But so is Gallywix, and i believe he was the most unique character in the game, no other character in the game has had a personality like him, or the bodacious presence he had.

I know no one cares, not Blizz and not most the players, but You have truly wrong Gallywix as a character. and i said this waaay back in Cataclysm where this illogical hate towards the character started. Personally, I will not be playing wow if they kill him off.

Killing/Booting a character for the sake of foolish people who dislike the only unique character in WoW. only to replace him with a normal boring goblin who happened to have a name everyone recognizes is just sad.

Im gonna get flack for this. But Truly good writing relies on multiple characters and personalities. Why was Sylvannus and Garrosh so popular? for the same reasons Gallywix is not popular. They were abrasive, dangerous, cunning, disagreeable, and yet due to their achievements, personality, and power they are loved and adored by millions.

Why do people hate Gallywix? Truly it boils down to people didn’t want a Fat Character. I truly believe the people that celebrate and herald his Death are those that dislike him over surface reasons.

Reappoint Gallywix, continue to use him and develop his Character. Make him less obnoxious in game so that his personality matches his thoughtful cunning of the stories he appears in. Don’t get rid of his position or heaven forbid kill him off, just because some goofy kids dont like having a character with some flare.

I dont care if people dont like him, i am actually pleased that he is a character that is both loved and hated just like Garrosh, Sylvannis, and even Deathwing, and previously Illidin. I just dont think Blizzard should disrespect his character so much when they literally did NOTHING with him for almost 10 years.

Here is a link to an old post a WoW friend of mine wrote in 2016. its a bit hard to read but shows a good light on his character


He tries to sell his fellow goblins into slavery in the goblin starting area…and you think bfa is why he looks like a bad guy?


The players tried to kill him, the whole starting area (which ive played through 6 times) covers how we as the players are Gallywixs right hand man or one of em and we are attempting to off him off his throne. Just like Goblins do. SO I fail to see how his reaction is all that bad. Slavery is bad of course but Goblin culture isnt Human culture, as a race they are abrasive and cunning and back stabbing often. And i mean being put into slavery is better than what we were gonna do to him

And compared to what Sylvannis did even before BFA and what Garrosh did. He is not evil. He isnt even Bad, if anything he is really clever. His city was destroyed, so to save his resources and the resources of the goblins, he has them pay him for the only surviving boat on Kezan. SO not only did he save hundreds of goblins but he saved a lot of their countries cash, he didnt HAVE to wait for the people that had tried to betray him. And putting the traitors into slavery to rebuild a new home actually makes a lot of sense.

LOL right? I feel the same way about people who make this argument that BfA made Sylvanas evil.


naw she has been doing evil since wrath by raising gilneans into undeath for her people. i mean from her perspective her people are a resource but its still wrong. im NOT denying Gallywixs at times corrupt choices. just like i dont think Illidin or Garrosh or Sylvannis did no wrong. They all have done GOOD and BAD. BUT they actually got character development and screen time and lore and books and Gallywix needs a chance is all im saying.

and again Gallywix as a character isnt nearly as disagreeable or bad as garrosh and sylvannis has become. He never committed mass murder, dark magic, he never really did anything other than defend himself in the goblin starting zone. and as a leader of his respective cartel he has every RIght to do so. Imagine if we tried to off Garrosh, he wouldn’t have even given us a chance to slavery. He would have impaled us on the Spires of Orgrimmar, and Sylavnnus would have torture us to Death and then possibly raised us as mindless zombies.

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It feels like the Cartels are nonexistent in game.


Make Great Gallywix again.


Gallywix abandoned the cartel? Wow, that’s never happened before unless you played the Goblin starting zone.

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I think you mean make Gallywix Great again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

unfortunately the first time we get a tiny look at them is in this expansion. their is so much room for more

Also he didnt abandon the cartel, did you not play the zone? he didnt abandon anything in the starting zone, the people turn against him because they decided to back the player, it was a classic mutiny situation, u know like the goblins do.

And no in BFA goblin heritage armor, he doesnt leave, the players once again with a few npcs try and boot him but apparently this time they actually do. Which is disgusting in my opinion, they could have written a much better story/scenario.

(replying to all the coments not just you Latherfal :slight_smile:

Replace Gally with some new, unknown Goblin that just washed up and has been lost at sea for a while. Or maybe that Goblin took over an entire island and has ships and whatnot. I don’t like Gally so would not mind him removed.

HAHA, That is why you don’t write.

I dont like you, so would not mind you removed. :stuck_out_tongue:

One of my favorite creatures in Startrek are the Ferengi. Ferengi culture is built on raw capitalist greed. They’re often taken as comedic relief, but their culture has a lot more philosophical depth to it, built on materialistic greed.


BRO! congrats on being the first supportive comment. AND YES! im a huge fan of the Ferengi, they are cool looking and very cleverly written

The guy is an incompetent jerk. He doubled down on a bad investment sucking up to Sylvanas. How’s double crossin’ our allies creating profit?


If you recall, the Venture Company double crossed the Horde not the other way around. Gallywix is a member of the Horde, why is it bad when he follows the Warchiefs orders but no one else. You might not remember since it was so long ago but when Baine and Zelling were accused of treason no one spoke up but Baine. So are all the members of the Horde incompetent jerks?

And if I recall Nazgrim stayed Loyal to Garrosh and he was glorified as an honorable hero. In spite of the fact that he died protecting a tyrant. Again, wanting the character gone for surface reasons is silly. What has he actually done thats worse than Sylvannis or Garrosh?

Nothing. Except “suck up to Sylannis” and guess what he did the same thing with Garrosh know why? Because he is trying to protect himself and his people. Read the books and you will find that he does to care about his people. He has to deal with attempted murders and mutinys constantly. Even in his origin story Secrets of a Trade Prince, his whole life people been trying to kill him. Thats how the Goblins work. his whole thing is he is the most tactical and cunning of them all. But with the Goblin heritage armor quest scenario they threw all that character development out the window.

He is hardly incompetent, just a little reckless, all goblins are

If ya remember, we was given a choice, see. To side with Baine and Saurfang, or that two faced “leader”. I chose Baine/Saurfang. Didn’t ya hear what she said at the gates? About time she was whacked, if ya ask me.


Im not disagreeing about Sylvannis, my earlier comments have already addressed that im not sitting here saying that bad isnt bad. Im saying as a fricking character he deserves a chance, and he isnt and never has been evil.

As a character he is interesting, he brings different perspectives to the table, a different style of personality that we rarely see, and never have seen in WoW up until him. He isnt bad, he is abrasive and greedy , but not wicked. Sylvannis, she is wicked. Garrosh, his own Pride turned him Wicked. Sylavnnis and Garrosh commited countless atrocities.

The ONLY thing Gallywix has done is defend himself against Back stabbers, and ally himself with Sylavnnis. TO BE FAIR the whole point of the last cinematic is that hundreds of Horde stayed loyal. It wasnt until After Sylvannis says that “YOU ARE ALL NOTHING.” that the rest of the hordes eyes open.

I have yet to see EVER on any forum ive ever written any REAL reason why he shouldnt be in the game outside of “I dont like how he looks” or “I dont like his personality.”

Which arent real reasons, their just shallow complaints. Every “greedy” thing he has done doesnt make him evil or bad as a character. Sylvannis and Garrosh became or have been Evil but they are still amazing characters, with awesome lore and backstory. Gallywix deserves some time too, outside of one expansion that at the end boots him out again after not doing anything with him for 10 years.

If anything I think going full Ferengi seems like a condemnation of Gallywix. He created unnecessary conflict on Kezan, the Lost Isles, and in the Fourth War. He was shortsighted, overinvesting in someone’s cause and not diversifying his portfolio. He had one business, and once it stopped being successful, he was in a corner with no way out.


It was the players who created the conflict. we tried to kill him and steal his empire. The whole quest line was about that. Goblins in the starting areas allied with Gallywix for a reason because they were loyal. You act as if what he has done is anywhere near on par with the evil Sylvannis or Garrosh has done.

Tell me, why does Gallywix bring in so much Negativity from people and not those guys? THEY WERE AND ARE ACTUALLY EVIL (caps for emphasis not yelling).

Gallywix being compared to a Ferengi doesnt condemn him, Ferengi while not PERFECT (neither is anyone) are still really clever and smart, and great with business.

YES the dealings with Sylavnnis went SOUTH. I know everyone Knows that. Sylavnnis killed and tortured people who betrayed her. What was he supposed to do?

He wasnt the only Horde leader to support her. He did it out of loyalty and YES Profit. That is a logical leg to stand on by Goblin standards.
And yeah the writers, again i mentioned this earlier, the writers wrote him to be a bit of a bumbling buffoon in SOME of the quests. Specifically the Heritage armor.

But just as all the characters have had moments that seem not quite right, or retcon of things. A good few parts of the award winning BEFORE the Storm book has been retconned by BFA and blizzard devs at blizzcon for shadowlands.

None of that means that he should be booted off as a leader, or a character. ITs like all ya all just want boring “I only do good and never say anything offensive and have a beautiful body and sexy voice” type characters. BLagh.

Please dont write, your stories would be boring.

All im getting at, without saying it exactly. IS not liking someones or agreeing with someone, REAL or FICTIONAL, doesn’t make them BAD or mean they should not be alive or exist.

Its actually cool and interesting that Gallywix makes bad decisions sometimes, makes mistakes. That makes the character more human like and dynamic than even Anduin. Another character i have loved since ALWAYS even though millions said he was stupid and gay and all kinds of bad things because he desired PEEACE. I like him just as much, but even HE doesnt have as much human qualities as Gallywix, because HE never does wrong. Everything he has said or done has been the right thing to do. Regardless of the outcome.

And i love him for that. But Gallywix is equally as awesome and interesting for his failures and weaknesses. Not just in his art design, but personality and character. Im not gonna convince anyone. And unfortunetly the people that agree with me rarely see these. So im gonna stop replying. Ive said my piece. I stand by what i say.

Shallow opinions are just that. Thankyou for your time. Peace out

You can hype up Gallywix all you want OP but don’t be talking bad about Gazlowe. Gazlowe is a bro to the Horde and he finally got his due!

Although the Gobbo heritage should’ve been about Gazlowe’s very violent corporate take over to learn more about how Gobbos handle such things and the armor shouldn’t have been a depowered mega armor… but a gift from Gazlowe to the character with Gazlowe explaining that this was the armor that Goblins wore when they fought with the Horde during the second war.