Galakrond reduced to a Dungeon Boss?

I’m not expecting Iridikron to die in this dungeon. We’ll probably punch him a bit before he escapes with whatever he was trying to steal and will come back even more powerful in the final raid or something.

Kalecgos outright states(before Fyrakk infused himself with Shadowflame) that his reckless nature combined with the fact that he is just as strong as Iridikron makes him more dangerous than Iridikron.

Iridikron is stated to be equal to Fyrakk before Fyrakk bathed in Shadowflame so Fyrakk is already stronger than Iridikron. Iridikron seems to be the one explaining Vyranoth’s plans to Fyrakk with Vyranoth being the one masterminding the plans.

Fyrakks got that “Kill now think later” aspect though

Yeah, he’s stronger than Iridikron now, but we don’t know what Iridikron is doing in the past yet(assuming this is supposed to be the present day one and not us fighting his past self). Whatever he’s after could make him even more dangerous than Fyrakk.

that azn mmo still around ?

Except he left the 3 black dragons alive like every predictable villain ever, when he saw where they went since ebyssians dragon form is huge and he didnt fly far. I swear, Ex-Death has been the only villain in all of villain history EVER to try to kill the heroes at every chance.

To be fair, not only have several villains in WoW tried, but at least two canonically succeeded briefly: Argus and Lich King Arthas. Their killing the PC is not a game mechanic, it’s part of the story, there’s also technically the Helheim banishment, that also counts as temp death, so add Helya to the list too.