Galakrond reduced to a Dungeon Boss?

its on wow head my rather… fly looking blood elf

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God that is lame.

I wanted a planet eating Dragon as a superboss, not a memelord status.


Ironically if Iridikron dies in the Mega Dungeon then the hype surrounding him at Launch was faulty and the hype given to Fyrakk during 10.1 that claims Fyrakk is more dangerous than Iridikron is the more accurate of the 2 Hypes.

I think the original post mentioned fighting Galakrond before they went back and changed it to make it clear that he’s already dead at this point.

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I think they clarified that we aren’t fighting him in the mega dungeon. There’s an interview I think where one of the devs leaks that it’s going to be an epic dragonflying fight for the REAL Galakrond fight

I’ve removed the reference for now since it’s not directly about facing Galakrond but facing the fallout from Galakrond’s demise. We’ll share more details about the mega-dungeon a bit later in development in a stand-alone article.


So basically OP bellyachin over nothing, how appropriate for GD lol



Blizzard clarified that Galakrond wouldn’t actually be fought inside Dawn of the Infinite, but we would be facing the fallout of his demise.

No, Galakrond isn’t a boss just set dressing for Iridikron. Think Deathwing in The End Time.

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I will be fighting him to:

Come get yer hard rock!

One sec… siphons off all the necromantic anima of Maldraxxus and resurrects Galakrond’s skeleton as a world ending minion

Galakrond doesn’t look like he’s in any shape to fight anything at the moment, on account of being dead and all.

Oh please. For the most part I think DF has pretty decent writing. Certain a step up from Shadowlands at least.

The worst part isn’t that you brought a world-ending dragon back to life. It’s that you used anima. From SL. That is unforgivable.

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Still suffers from the same problem as before, every new villain is some unknown 1-season villains who are very uninteresting. We never got any back story to raznegath and what her history was, no build up, nothing. Just “im angry at dragon aspects, ima kill them” Basic writing 101, absolutely terrible.

I could write a WAY better story then what writers have easily.

Galakrond died years ago. So it is obvious he will not be fighting as a boss. Unless he is risen up by the Lich King like Sindragosa.

Not really… we’re fighting someone a particularly powerful Shaman like Thrall should be able to best, to try and repower Aspects who’ve been obsolete and unneeded since at least Legion if not much much earlier, etc. The entire plot is as much a nothing burger nonsensical plot as Zovaal and Sylvanas were as characters in SL… just feels contrived.

I don’t see the Incarnates being more powerful than the elemental lords, and we have Cenarius help defeat one in early Cata along with Malfurion whom we… reads notes “Send to Ardenweald to get back a dragon who will be completely useless for the rest of the foreseeable expansion??”

We also never exactly got rid of the Heart of Azeroth and are still Old god killing demi-gods, and the Old gods enslaved the elements including likely the Incarnates.

Presumably the titans are not as benevolent as we think they are hence why the Incarnate rebelled. I agree that “wait and see” is getting tiring but DF is effectively Blizzard’s attempt to create new future bosses for us to deal with.

We are getting rid of Iridikron just to set the stage for Vyranoth huh?

Seems N’Zoth’s Whisper from the Uu’nat Raid(“She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.”) and his Whisper from the Thaldraszus Questline(“With many eyes, they will see again. They will drink, and be uplifted.”) both refer to Vyranoth and the Wellspring in the Halls of Infusion.

Fyrakk has recently been hyped by Kalecgos in 10.1 to be more dangerous than Iridikron as well so… Doesn’t look good for Iridikron…

Fyrakk is high on shadowflame at the moment, and he was already powerful to begin with. It does seem like the other incarnates are trying to distract us from his endgame, whatever it may be.

At least it’s less harmful than the shadowlands storyline, which dug deep into the flesh of the overall narrative like some kind of malignant lore parasite.

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I admit it would certainly be an interesting spin if the Final boss we all expected(Iridikron) ended up dead in a 5man while his underling turn out to be even more powerful. But I dont think Iridikron is dying in a 5man.