Galakras wont dismount

Siege Of Orgrimmar Galakras wont dismount no matter how many time I hit it with cannon. Tried with and without addons, reset ui, restart comp. Restart wow. nada.


Same issue here, rather frustrating since I was gonna use the instance to gold farm since it’s daily at the moment.

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Well, if you’re a plate-wearer, you can do the skip to Garrosh to farm the shoulder mog even more intensely than before. (Given how compulsive some players become about grinds, I’m not entirely convinced this is objectively a good thing.)

Decided to farm my dk’s SOO set….didnt make it very far :sweat_smile:

Wonder if it has anything to do with remix

Most likely. A lot of other crazy stuff is happening on Pandaria atm. I saw someone report that you can no longer access the Ordos area even if you got one of the legendary capes on your account.

Same issue here. Just tried doing it as solo lfr que. Pretty frustrating. Disappointed with the insane amount of bugs and issues in the game recently

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Same, I’ve tried multiple times, multiple days.

I tried this today. Shooting galakras x20 times or more, npc spoke all dialogues. And Nada.

They really wunt us to go farm threads instead for 10 hours a day.

They unlock daily lockouts…but still locked out to try and get tusks.

same issue - Once again, something that was not broke, blizz decided to fix. Fun detected, “this cannot be”. And since this is a past expansion, I highly doubt this will be an issue they address. Maybe the 1% super guilds will call blizzard and then we shall see results. until then, we 99% shall pay for a game, that we can not play the way we wish

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Yup same problem here. Tried restarting multiple times. Nothing. :frowning: come on blizz…

Same issue here. Never have run SoO before and now trying it, Galakras never dismounts.


Still happening. Tried for 10 min today and still wont dismount


Still occuring.

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Still happening today, Post MOP Remix
Can NOT make the Galakras land on even Normal


Tried today it is bugged for me as well its just not going down. i wanted to tame Thok The Bloodthirsty. RIP

Still bugged for me

I’m disappointed they haven’t undone the Remix changes yet.

OTOH, I personally have almost no need to go into SoO for anything, since I basically strip-mined it while playing Remix. Maybe the devs think that fact (true of a lot of players) reduces the priority of restoring SoO to solo playability.

Indeed still bugged. Hopefully it get’s fixed soon.

You have to wait for all of the RP to play out… wait for the siege engine to spawn, kill it, then go up the tower. WHen you get to the top don’t just kill the npcs, agro them and wait for them to emote, once the captain is done with their speach “…Hahahaha…” kill everything, shoot galrakas once, and you’ll be teleported down to finish it off.

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Literally doesn’t work doing it this way.