Gain the Winds of Wisdom 50% Experience Buff

Just trollin at this point - push out the Journey buff to TBC!


Let’s really hope they have something of more substance to announce…

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the amount of salt on the classic forums is awesome and i am dying laughing lol. Well played Blizz well played. Yall some straight Savages lol lol lol lol also going to finish leveling my lvl 50 druid now thank you :slight_smile:


The pre-patch event is less than a month: The Joyous Journeys post says “at least 6-8 weeks.”

Do they intend Wrath to release as late as October???

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yes WOTLK classic def coming oct always was lol

I mean considering all the changes Classic has gone and is going through no, we didn’t get classic.

And even all those changes you speak of, yall still arent happy with the way the game is. So, either dont play it, or dont complain…thats what im getting at

Yeah, this will be amazing for leveling my pally, although I do have a few questions though. why remove the EXP buff on heirlooms in the first place?


aoe cap

Paladin Blood Armor - here i come!


You have to know why people are upset right? You announced weeks ago for TBC and then troll the community with this random 2 week unneeded buff in retail. Some poor communication and flat out confusing people on what you’re doing with classic.

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Good news, everyone!

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Seems like more patience is the best thing for everyone. Yall will get it when you get it. Jumpin down blizzards neck wont hurry that

I mean if you are going to just drop this buff out of nowhere for retail. Why not give it to classic and TBC classic like you said? come on guys, you guys are a multi-billion dollar company with games that have been around for 30+ years. This is Ludacris

Brooo if you need this xp buff so badly, you might not be playing the correct version. You want vroooooooom leveling? Retailllll

I wouldn’t say jumping down their throat. I would call it, holding them accountable for breaking a promise

Insert meme: Small, Multi-dollar, indie mobile devs.

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I dont remember them saying we promise it will be out in “X” day… if you could post that link to where they said that ill go head and admit im wrong. But yeah… promises…lol

Really? I JUST finished leveling two allied races for the mog.