Gain the Winds of Wisdom 50% Experience Buff

People would rather be salty than realize they are doing a retail XP buff then doing a classic XP buff (not at the same time). They want people to play both games. Stay subscribed and also have reasons to buy the new expansion. C’mon $$$$$$$$.

So I assume the Joyous Journeys buff is also going to drop for TBC classic as announced 4 weeks ago right?
As that would just be really uncool to notify players of an incoming experience increase “in the weeks to come” only for you to drop a retail buff without announcement without the Joyous Journeys.

I may not be a PR professional but that just seems like a really, really, bad PR move if that is the case.
It would just really undermine the community you had promised something to.

You do realise that a classic xp buff was announced over 4 weeks ago, whereas no xp buff was ever announced for retail right?


right… we got the buff!

but only on retail… :clown_face:

nice one devs


This buff plus wow anniversary coming up plus darkmoon fair buff… mmmm

The 2 replies were pointless, if you don’t understand why bother saying anything. But I get you, and agree so an extent. For instance, who among you have missed an entire expansion and want to see what the big deal is and use chromie time to adventure… only to hit 50 and get nothing more from the expac 2 zones in… Do you continue on and earn no exp for the next however many zones? no you go watch youtube.

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and? They’re clearly staggering the buffs. This keeps people talking about the game and leaves others in anticipation.

Can we look forward to a rep buff in the near future like we did at the end of BFA? :hugs: :hugs:

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This is why I quit retail all together, you guys are good at baiting people with good things then go quiet on silence…


So let me see if I understand this. You guys said that there was going to be an EXP buff for Classic and TBC but without any announcement whatsoever, You guys drop it on retail first? like holy moly Blizz. I hope the people in Classic get a 75% increase instead of 50%, now if you will excuse me, I am going to get my character from 10-60 in a day, ttyl guys gals, and non-binary pals.


Why would this buff appear in the Classic versions if classic leveling is one of the appeals of going back to those iterations of the game? I’m confused.

Well I’d love to finish leveling my Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter for that set but I can’t login…fix yo stuff Blizz

6-8 weeks ahead of Wrath launch, a few weeks before the pre-patch. No date confirmed. Announced a month ago.

People are eagerly awaiting the promised buff because it’s going to allow players to prepare for Wrath’s launch, when the xp buff cuts out.

Giving an unannounced buff to retail is a little like teasing the Classic players.
Ha! Gotcha! lollol


This buff only lasts until August 2nd, so it won’t over lap with the anniversary buff or the DMF buff


the salt is so real lmfao lol lol lol 100 percent Savage Blizz super savage lol


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Then perhaps the reasonable approach would be to release the announced buff first.

Imagine promising someone something, then instead giving that something to someone else it wasn’t promised to, and then just ignoring the fact that it was promised to the first person because “I’m still going to give them it, you know, like in 2 weeks”

It’s an incredibly stupid PR move to make. Of course it is going to make people upset. It would be stupid to think otherwise.

It’s because a month ago Blizzard said an almost identical 50% experience buff would be released in classic TBC “in the coming weeks”.
So understandably people have been expecting to see their buff drop for a couple of weeks now, whereas it looks like they should have actually said “in the coming months”.


Why does Chromie time still cap at level 50?


step 1. release unannounced buff for retail only
step 2. ddos their own servers
step 3. ???
step 4. profit


Didn’t this exact thing happen in a prior expansion?

I vaguely remember there being a past time in the last patch of an expansion where Blizzard put in a xp buff to level alts that would last a short time, followed by Blizzard later announcing that after feedback, they had decided to keep the buff active for that remainder of the expansion.

Not sure if it was Legion or BFA of WoD, I just vaguely remember going through these motions before.


This is a really bad move for a group of people trying to gain the trust back of their customers. seriously. its really not hard to give a warning for this. if its not our time whatever, but to not tell us hey this is commin out, but its not for yall, yours will be XX time… man im about to walk away before dragonflight even launches. if they cant launch buffs properly how are they going to do an entire xpack properly.

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