Gain the Winds of Wisdom 50% Experience Buff

Just make this active until the end of the expansion, since there is nothing for most people to do now.


Yes please! I like this idea.



I was also hoping this would be extended. I don’t normally do mythics, I guess I’m a casual but I do enjoy aspects of the game and would like to have had the time to invest in getting a couple more classes to max level before DF. I hope Blizzard will reconsider the buff or bring it back for a few weeks before DF.


Yeah, while this buff was active it felt like we had the old exp % gain Heirlooms back. I think it was actually a little bit more, being 50%. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but I think the old Heirloom xp bonus was up to an additional like 45% exp or so.


Yeah…S4 great for players who actually raid and do M+…useless for anyone else. So glad there’s TBC that still has the XP buff so others of us will have a reason to play the game for the next few weeks/months.


Even then.

I am waiting for a few more micropatches, stealthed in ofc, to where you need a matrix to work out what breaks xp.

its been odd of late.

Can you help us dude?

No…I can’t

why you gotta be a bad word?

its not me. I am 5 levels over you. I will break your xp.

they go but the dungeon is rated for your level.

I go yes. I know. I can read that. You can read that. blizzard can’t. they put in level hard cutoffs in several hybrid dungeons.

to break level 70’s boosting stock runs they jacked up others. and all it takes is 1 level. the dungeon, its quests and its mobs can be green to you. you are supposed to be be there. but you break the new bro’s all the same.

they really needed a wider range band for the xp cutoffs the tl;dr takeaway.


Please bring this back, it was so fun farming heritage armors. Actually fun learning intricacies of classes I’m not seasoned with like Mage and Lock.


They could get an easy win by just extending it. Instead they seem like the tone-deaf developers of the past by ignoring players.


Exactly… easy wins but NOPE, they ruin it with a portion of the player base.


This buff is the perfect kind of thing for the players that Season 4 ignores.

But that would mean Blizzard would have to show they acknowledge the 99% still exist.


I was thinking about this myself, its a bummer when you are trying to help some friends out with someone slightly higher. It’s not talked about a lot either.

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I find the blue response baffling. The buff to “prepare for season 4”? Really? This is the end of the xpac. It’s alt levelling time. I will be doing keys in season 4 but honestly I don’t think it makes sense to even have season 4. I rushed to lvl my hunter, but that was for xmog farming for mail wearing toons. There’s no way that I’d consider levelling another toon to do keys, especially at this point in the xpac where my focus tends to be looking towards the next xpac.

The xp buff needs to come back. Honestly I wish end of xpac xp buffs would be a regular thing for every xpac, ideally lasting fit at least several months.


Nope, looms went up to 55% if you had a full set.



:+1: They should have never removed the xp bonus on looms in the first place imo.


I agree, I just wanted to level alts to max quickly in preparation for Dragonflight NOT in preparation for season 4


They’ll probably bring it back later in some form and call it content :rofl:
Remove something, add it back, call it new


On the bright side I saw they significantly lowered xp required on DF Alpha to get to 60.

It’s all about player’s “in game” metrics & catering to the 1% that play wow for a living.


I want to say this used to be the xp buff potion that dropped in MoP or WoD. They removed it from game before the level boost went active.