Fyr'alath the Dreamrender in pvp

I miss the old satire vurten pvp mage videos where he’s just mouse-clicking ice lance over and over woth early 2000s video effects.

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Apparently not. I know somebody with it and he says actually using the charge in pvp is beyond trolling. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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does it lock you into the attack animation or something? It’s giving me like, swtor blade dance vibes before they changed it to be just a fancy animation with no cast time.

Isnt satire anymore when peak mage gameplay consists of just spamming ice lance


yes you are locked in the animation till the cast is done than you can move again.

Is the damage worth it if you can get it off? how much total?

Three seconds of being rooted and swinging wildly doing low damage.

Basically legendary might be okay but the on-use isn’t.

From what I’ve seen/heard, anyways.


like 70 to 80k max and thats the mythic version.

Each ability is going to have a different attack power coefficient. Attack power in this sense is not straight attack power like you might see on your character sheet with deja character stats. Attack power for abilities is calculated as
Main hand: Weapon dps * 6 + primary stat
Off hand: weapon dps * 3 + 1/2 primary stat

Eviscerate, as an example, does a base of 22.3463% attack power per combo point spent before any talent modifiers. So if you have 10000 agility, and a 300 weapon dps weapon in the main/Off hand, you have an attack power of 17,700 and the ability will do 3955 damage per combo point.


aw man. that sucks. if you’ve gotta cc yourself it might as well be worth it.

Awesome, thank you.

LOL that is actually horrible.

Extra damage from ilvl will be nice for stuff like arms but LOLOLOLOL that effect is beyond garbage.

Please buff the damage from the axe, its not worth being locked into doing 30kdps when normal single target of a melee is like 75kdps

tbh it really shouldn’t be very good in PVP, but it is a little crazy how bad it is… maybe it does need a buff

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No, it should stay relatively useless.


It’s a joke buddy. I know Warriors can’t read but seriously, get some reading comprehension.

Anyone got it yet? I dont raid.

Bro ik you’re a mage who is mostly likely a 40-year-old malder as most of them are except notorious he gets a pass because of t3 , but you should maybe write it in a sense that it looks like a joke. That entire thing you wrote there makes you look like your malding about something nonexistent also you can clearly tell I was joking when I put lol there maybe you need some reading comprehension. On top of the fact, you have made several post ranting about warrior being op when it’s not :weary:.

I’m a healer.

that’s even worse for you than cause ain’t no way your dying to a warrior bladestorm unless your stacking on your dps. Only situation that’s acceptable is a dk grip on you into the blender.

Just main hand now for Sub, Mutilate for Assassination still works that way same as DW frost/Fury. Frost is sort of really stuck there b/c it’s MH/OH are weighed equally. Not sure about Fury, I don’t play it ever.

If you pve sim a rogue off hand dam is ranked lower than any other secondary, while main hand is exponentially better.