um so yeah the bar for this is sitting at 100% and nothing is happening. No Fyrakk, nothing… bit of a letdown if I’m honest
edit: ok so according to the world map, I was meant to get “Draconic Treasures” - that didn’t happen. the wowhead article also says that completing the world quest gives a piece of 411 gear, no world quest popped for me - just the quests given by the npc’s there. that same wowhead article says that the mini boss Fyrakk drops off gives a 405 piece of gear - that didn’t happen either.
what is going on???
yea there is literally nothing going on nothing showing up stuck at 100%
The progress doesn’t even show up for me. As soon as I enter Ohn’aran Plains, the big dragon icon on the map disappears and I don’t get a progress tracker while at the camp. I’ve already completed the intro quests and had to re-log to get the world quest variation to appear.
Keep in mind that you have to finish the first three chapters in order to open up the WQ and unlock the other quests that are there.
As for the bar at 100%… yeah. That’s just sitting there for us, too. Fyrakk isn’t even in the zone.
I’ve done the campaign up through picking up the raid quest and was able to complete the opening assault quests at the camp. The progress doesn’t show at all.
Seems bugged i have same problem
Yup. The quests and the chest you need 3 keys to open work fine, but the bar is at 100% and nothing happens, and Fyrakk is no there.
Here to reaffirm this bug. Stuck at 100%
Similar issue. Did all the quests and the event twice but didn’t get the Draconic Treasures. I did get the 405 gear from the mini boss though.
I still can’t see it on the map when actually at the camp, even with all addons disabled. Quest tracker also shows nothing while there.
When I’m not in Ohn’aran Plains, the icon shows but the progress always shows 0%.
edit: Tried on a different character, same issue.
edit 2: There must be a cooldown associated with the meter before it can begin to get filled again, as it has now randomly finally appeared at the top of my screen after another re-log while tinkering with this. It also appears on the map properly.
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bar is stuck at 100%. You can summon the same boss (forgemaster) for keys to open chest. Great for quickly gearing to 405. The assault is also confined to a very small area and bodies do not despawn. Frame rates are rough.
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yupp its stuck at 100% for me
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Been bugged since this morning for me. Same as reported above. Weekly in Zaralek also bugged and world boss in Zaralek bugged, could not loop corpses.
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Same…stuck at 100%…can’t loot or heal for other quests
oh he is there
he is just being sneaky for a dragon 3 times the size of a blue whale
Come on Fyrakk, come fight you ninny!

Bumping, because been sitting at Suffusion camp, and Fryakks fury bar been at 100% for well over 30 minutes, and still no Fryakk.
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Having this issue as well, also can we get confirmation on if the rewards from the disciple are daily/weekly or random? It’s all very inconsistent.
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Looks like there’s a CD after the disciple is defeated until it starts again, which is fine. Cycling looks a lot better than yesterday, not getting stuck at 100% whilst collecting hundreds of wards. lol
Some confirmation on rewards would be amazingly helpful. The chest is a weekly thing, it states it in the dialog for it.
Draconic Treasure, as mentioned on the silver dragon map icon as a reward, has yet to appear though I’ve completed the quests, campaign, etc. Killed the disciple twice so far, so it’d be nice to know if that reward is real.
Completed the Assault, Killed the Disciple … no treasure bag.