Future Covenant Campaign Speculation

With people finishing the launch portion of the covenant campaigns, I’m rather curious as to what you see happening next for your covenant.

For the Night Fae I see an invasion of Thoras, to help permanently end the Drust threat, more the Tyrande/Night Warrior stuff, Vol’jin’s awakening as a loa, and being sent to woke with the other covenants to help gather a method for their forces to be able to invade the Maw, without becoming trapped within the realm.


Kyrian looks like it will be leading into an Arthas story since we’re currently at the Paragon of Wisdom researching Uther’s Frostmourne scar.

There was also the reveal last week that the Forsworn actually serve Helya but then she didnt appear this week, so she needs to be dealt with too.

Part of me wonders if this will actually be the end of the covenant exclusive quests though, and future patches will have quests for everyone similar to Broken Shore and Argus not having class hall stuff (outside the mount quests).


Necrolord campaign has two plot threads still hanging that will likely be next.

Kel’thuzad is first, which may tie in with the Kyrians alongside Uther. The other is Vyraz and the usurped House of the Chosen. How that’ll end up is anyone’s guess.

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I’m expecting us to arrive at Dark Mirrors of the Covenant Zones.

Denathrius Mythic Mode has a Stage of the fight where you enter a world behind the Mirror in order to fight him from it.

Furthermore the Handwritten Note states that Kyrian that find mementos of the past regain all Memories which begs the question of: What are those Soul Mirrors forcing out of Kyrian?..or is it forcing those things in?

Lastly it is stated that the Emerald Dream/Nightmare/Thros the Blighted Lands is a Mirror of Ardenweald…

I suspect all 4 Covenant Zones of having Mirrors of the Realms of Death existing inside Darkness!

It puts the uncertainty of the nature of Freya’s creation of the Emerald Dream into perspective since the forces of Darkness are clearly seeking 5 major Death Realms to invade in separate ways:

  1. infect Souls that would be sorted into the Maw(not enough got to the Maw so the Darkness shut the Arbiter down) and cut open releasing the Shades.
  2. infect Kyrian through Soul Mirrors in Bastion. Any Kyrian desperate to get their Memories back would be killed by the Shades instantly!
  3. have Kel’Thuzad make an opening into Maldraxxus
  4. use the Anima Drought to trick the Night Fae into summoning the Drust into Ardenweald
  5. Trick Renathal into ripping a path wide open to the Mirror of Revendreth(for the sake of turning it to Revendreth’s noble purpose) using the Medallion of Dominion

They all will get tied into one cause blizz surely doesn’t want to write separate quests

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Normally yes but maybe not this time as Covenant identity is a main selling feature of the expac.

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Kind of want the necrolord questline to be about Getting better margraves and probably delve into the possibility of getting Margrave krexus back as a construct or something like that.

I want Krexus back…margrave krexus!

Class identity was a selling point for Legion, and they still converged with Legionfall. Faction identity was a selling point for BfA, but it still converged at N’zoth. I feel like this will be the same. Even in the cutscene before you choose a Covenant, The Archon or Winter Queen says that once us mortals get the Covenants back on their feet, they’ll stand united against the Jailer.

But, I’m always up for being pleasantly surprised.


The covenants working against the Maw has to be a safe bet however it sounds much like content in a raid.

  • Kyrian = Heyla
  • Night Fae = Tyrande
  • Necrolord and Venythr = Kel’thuzad

90% sure next raid is a necropolis of some kind. with kelthuzad, idc what the anduin cinematic shows.

They could go a different route, the first patch deals with loose convenant story threads and than in the last patch, they all team up to take on the Jailer. But it’ll be fun seeing where it all goes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Sir Zeliek was part of Naxxramas which could connect Anduin’s situation.

Well, If they were to copy such an encounter, then I would kinda wish they had the Characters that were abducted (minus Tyrande) be turned into DKs, or whatever Sylvie and co had planned

Concerning how Anduin can still be bait for them and now becoming a lich king, it’s possible.

Sylvanas likely wanted to punish them for their interference in the fourth war.

likely it was some extremely kinky sex in the dungeon

For Venthyr I see us getting the Medallion of Wrath, along the way finding Garrosh (Since Garrosh is pretty much wrathful) and having Kael’thas buddy up with him.


If the next stage of the Venthyr campaign is to put together an all star team of reformed prior villains, then I’m all for that.

I think the next raid (or at least a future one) will be set in Ardenweild, in Darkreach, and deal with the
Drust invasion and their connection to the Jailer (if any). It probably see us defending the heart that the Winter Queen used to keep the Jailer in the Maw.


I am fully on board with this. Almost like Suicide Squad but only if I can be Harley Quinn! I can so totally pull that off…in my head at least.

The other campaigns seem pretty clear at the moment with Uther/Hayla and Kyrians, KT and Maldraxxus, and the stuff going on in Ardenweald. Venthyr seems a bit less clear where they are going next outside of Kael wanting to kill KT.


Krexus was robbed.

Here’s to hoping he just rolls back around like nothing happened and casually one-shots Vyraz and ponders why everyone is so shocked to see him.

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