Bro why can’t anyone read? There’s a difference between core races and allied races. If you want new core races added, that’s a cool discussion. But if allied races could exist as subraces of those core races it might give them more merit. Also like I said before I think it might be better to just avoid adding “humanoid (insert animal)” anymore.
Your topic title is “Future Allied Races”. It’s not hard to draw an inferencethat you are talking about Allied Races. If you don’t want people to have that assumption, then don’t put it in the title. That’s pretty easy.
And you don’t, in your initial post, (which is what I based my comment on) describe how those new ‘sub races’ would be made available. Since you use the term “allied race” - based on how allied races in the past have been instituted - you’ll have to forgive me assuming that system will continue.
So explain yourself if you don’t want to be misinterpreted.
I explained the difference in my approach in the middle. I think the original allied race system was just throwing hundreds of darts at the board at once—some hit and some didn’t. The ones that hit, hit more as subraces, because it’s more of a clear difference between them and the core races. So let’s emphasize that with my approach.
Frankly I think most of your options would simply be better added as physical choices rather than some sort of sub race choice. Your ideas are rather like suggesting tht choosing a Blood Elf with white skin and red eyes should be a separate race, rather than a choice on appearance for a new Blood Elf character.
I always thought that allied races like the Maghar for Orcs were added purely to add extra playtime for people to get the option to make one, since players had been asking for non-green Orcs for years. Too many Allied races were simply reskins of current ones and your suggestion seems to add even more layers to that.
I think I prefer having distinct separate races rather than dividing up the ones we already have even more.
Mechagnome fix is really simple:
Let them use the same mogs as everyone else. I know plenty of vets with prosthetics and none of them chop off their sleeves or abandon pants and shoes.
It’s so obsurd that you can wear robes but not pants, shirts but not the sleeves.
There’s zero reason for this.
It’s a fantastic race choice with a charming backstory otherwise and a solid racial.
There’s no saving KT’s, you’re just never going to get good representation for fat people.
Is it to get their own allied race (separate race)? If yes here is the list:
Vry’kul with Kul Tiran size
Wildhammer Dwarves
True mecagnome, Leper gnome for the Horde
Jinyu (use the same model as Night Elf male)
Broken if they get their own allied race.
Bloodfang Worgen
Dragonmaw Orcs or Fel Orcs
Forest Trolls if they get their own allied race.
Taunka if they get their own allied race.
Undead Nathanos model
San’lyan if they get they own allied race.
Giblin if they get their own allied race.
I only want Saberon at this point. I just want my warrior tiger dude, if nothing else but have ideas for a couple more.