I’ve been vocal about my dissenting, cynical view of the allied race system as a way to pump out fast content at the cost of quality. So I have an idea that I think people who like allied races might want, but also serves a purpose for me—adding one additional allied race to their respective core races and making two new ones for both Worgen and Forsaken. This way, the allied races can be further cemented in their status as sub-categories of the core races, allowing for a better distinction between them and future core races. And people who don’t think about it too much can get new allied races yay. (In all seriousness doing this would give the system more legitimacy as it’s more defined.) Then we can put them under a separate tab you have to click on to clean things up. Here are my ideas, what’s yours?
Skinny Humans: Create a reason for why a new human society would frequently produce lanky humans, except maybe make it a little more distinct from the Forsaken models used in Kul’tiras.
Wildhammer Dwarves: Like the Dark Irons, the Wildhammer joined the Alliance back in Cata, but we didn’t get the same update for them. Lets flesh out their customization to the same level.
Leper: With the world looking like it’s getting cleaned up over time it would be cool to check in on Gnomeragon since Cata. Could some of these guys be slightly sane enough to rejoin their former relatives?
Night Elf
Satyr: Maybe after the fall of the Legion, some of those Night Elves that got corrupted by the nightmare can be cleansed into beings of life magic, perhaps taking influence from the more peaceful fauns of folklore.
Broken: The Krokul of Outland have been close allies to the Draenei and the Alliance ever since TBC. There is so much potential for customization and exploration of Draenei culture.
Scythe Worgen: The original Night Elf Worgen. The Druids of the Pack. Where are they? If small sects like the Void Elves can be made into allied races why not this sect?
Bloodfang Worgen: The feral pack that initially exposed the citizens of Gilneas to the curse. They’re kind of already there narratively speaking, having recently joined the Alliance. Then we can focus on giving them bloody/monstrous customizations to match the tone.
Fel: Orcs that were forced to become even further mutated in Outland, turning them red and fully feral. Maybe we can continue the trend of corrupted versions of core races being semi-restored?
Ice Trolls: Inhabitants of frozen lands all over Azeroth. We don’t know nearly as much about them as other Troll cultures and they’re bound to be very different. Maybe this can be the opportunity to give the players an updated version of the bulkier models that show up across Troll societies.
Taunka: Another group of tundra inhabitants from Northrend, these bison people seem to deviate from the Tauren in that they embrace dark shamanism as a cultural norm, which is fairly unique.
Skeleton: Perhaps the Forsaken can find ways of restoring the souls of even more decayed undead, allowing for intelligent skeletons of various races.
Spectral: It hasn’t been common, but there have been a few examples of ghosts just casually chilling on Azeroth like people. The elves in Azsuna stand out in my mind. Even Sylvanas herself was just a banshee inhabiting her own body.
Blood Elf
Something new and original that will be interesting on its own, but will also allow for further exploration of what the Blood Elves as a whole are up to.
Gilblin: The aquatic offshoot of the Goblin race introduced in Cataclysm. These guys could contrast our little green friends by being slightly more naturally attuned in their unique habitats.