Yea it would be awesome if Blizz did that though. But I think they made a statement a long while back that all of the Vrykuls are undead now so they could never come into game as playable as an ally for humans. They likely would be the Forsaken Allied race.
Like they didnt all start as undead but there are now no longer any of them that are not undead.
we don’t need anymore bloody humans, besides if they did skinny they’d count as kul’tiran not flat out human. If we start adding more kinds of human it’ll be no better than different elves we keep getting.
they gave dwarf shamans supposedly wildhammer tattoo options but yeah idk if they went too far with wildhammer compared to the other two clans
I always pictured Leper gnomes as slowly dying painfully and slowly due to what made them leper to begin with. Doesn’t Leper in some way mean sick? Would you have people dying of radiation poisoning for example fight your war for you?
please…no more elves…we don’t need demon elves as we got too many already it’s getting out of hand. Why does every fantasy game need a ton of elves as it’s being done so often lately
Thought they’d of made this an cosmetic option already more than a race… they’ve been around since at least BC after all but mainly as NPC or things we gotta kill as they’ve lost their minds
would be something different… although they and the bloodfang should be cosmetic options and such as worgen as is got so little and it’d be insulting to add another worgen allied race that gets more than the one we got already
Again makes more sense to be a cosmetic option than a race less we risk the chance of doing with them what has been done with the elves.
If they can be convinced then yeah that’s fine, they use a different model for at least the men and while yes it’d run into a similar issue like the elves idk how you’d make such large brutish trolls an option for the less brutish variants we already got
Could be a cosmetic option as besides the bison like head they use the same body as the other tauren.
I always wondered why we never got these already but given the censoring nightmare they had to do for asian servers it made sense before why these hadn’t happened. Still would be interesting option for people who want to be undead but not covered in rotting flesh. Not sure how spectral undead would work though as…can ghosts wear mortal armor?
…we already got blood elves and their darker red skin is an option already is it not?
Again how have we not gotten this as an option for goblins yet?
As far as more races how about something idk…different like arakoa and saberon or ogres? Something that we’ve not already had access to?
I believe that all allied races to date have had their respective faction as part of the expansion’s storyline or already existing in the game. All races from Legion were factions that were neutral to both Alliance and Horde throughout the game then divided up. I’m still convinced that VE were tossed in because Blizz forgot that the Alliance needed two allied races also.
In BfA, Horde got three races that were all auto hostile (or at least could not interact in some locations) to the Alliance. I think each fit into their storyline in some way shape or form. Alliance kind of got the shaft here again. The pudgy humans fit in, the gearhead gnomes were neutral, did not compliment the storyline and the closest Alliance connection was they were “upgraded” gnomes. Dark Iron’s had zero to do with BfA. Their only significance was the fact that the race has been part of the alliance since CATA. Again, “oops, we need another race for the Alliance again.”
Regarding the examples by OP, almost all are and have been openly hostile to both factions. Most on the list seem to be “it would be neat to have _____.” True, Blizz has been destroying lore left and right (SL dropped the MOAB), but bringing in many of them with some semblance of a good story would take a lot of work, especially since they go in so many different directions. The best chance for something like that would have been if we had a much longer timeskip between SL & DF, then Blizz could just drop then in w/o a real reason to explain.
You missed the point Vulpera. The purpose of allied races IS to give us reskins of the better races. If we double down on that then we can focus on making core races again.
no it was not, the reason is because blizz wanted to give us access to a bigger character pool and people whined and complained that we of the horde got blood elves and alliance wanted them so they got void elves. Most the allied races could of been skins for other races but the reason most were reskins is because Blizz likes being lazy. I mean they’ve shown they’re not afraid to give us a crap expansion only to give up on it not even halfway through it like they did with Shadowlands which had potential to be amazing but they cut corners as much as they could.
If they wanted to “give us a bigger character pool” out of artistic integrity, they would have done it slower and with more thought than the reskins they did. That’s exactly what the point of allied races were. They weren’t made with good intentions, but my idea can lend them more credibility and, like I said, take us in a direction of getting better races.
The purpose of allied races was to insert a grind into the content drought at the end of an expansion for players who had to play all races. It was all about money.
Hence my cynicism, but I think this way there actually could be some legitimacy to the nature of allied races and like I said, make a clear distinction between future core races.
They shipped them out in a rushed state, first of all. (Nightborne looking off, many others like LFD lack many options overall.)
Kul’Tirans and Dark Iron Dwarves are still woefully behind the other allied races in terms of customization as well.
Heck, many Allied Races in general are now less customizable than the original races. Mostly because the older races got new stuff, but now the newer allied races are feeling left out.
Basically, because they came out as a rushed turd, Blizzard had to double-back and fix/tweak everything to make players actually want to play these races.
I generally think they are stuck in a cycle of fixing things they shipped out in a half-donkey manner, due to time constraints and budget, and so the future content they are developing gets either rushed, or delayed.
Allied races were a major feature of BfA, the purpose of which was to implement 10 races derived from existing ones while doing the bare minimum amount of work for most of them to be unique from their parent races, and we had an actual reason to invite them into our factions, which was that we needed them to help fight the other one and any other threats to the planet. After BfA, Blizzard didn’t continue the system into SL, contrary to people thinking they would with Covenant races, so there’s little reason to believe they’ll pull another slew of allied races out of their butt and that the 10 we got in BfA wasn’t just a one-time thing.
For as much as the community demands more of them even 5 years after BfA, allied races were a failed experiment. Nowadays, almost all of them are hit with cries of “should’ve just been customization for [core race]” with vulpera being the most common exception because they’re a separate race from goblins that only shares a rig. People don’t want more races like Lightforged and Mag’har, they would rather have new options for the ones we have now. The mass barber update in SL proved that we really don’t need any more races of the “[core race] but in a different color” variety.
After the 11-month-long meltdown over mechagnomes potentially being an allied race prior to their confirmation as part of the patch 8.3 announcement, I doubt that many people are interested in a bunch of low-effort races being added purely for vapid wish fulfillment, like:
The Alliance has three human races, plus dracthyr who use the female human rig for their female visages. Add undead, and that’s five human or nearly-human races across both factions. There is nothing interesting whatsoever about skinny humans. Their whole appeal is that they’re just regular humans, but emaciated and limited to just the males, yet people regularly give Kul Tirans crap for being fat humans and say that they should’ve had the skinny model as an option, which says a lot.
Wildhammers already exist as dwarf customizations. They’re not going to remove them for the purpose of tacking them onto slightly taller dwarves, it’s over and done.
We don’t need more evil races turned good. You can only play the redemption card so often before it gets stale.
Races like these are just redundant and are precisely why people don’t want more low-effort allied races. I don’t think the devs should be saddled with the Sisyphean task of making a second version of a race that’s already unique from most of the Alliance’s other races, then giving that second version unique racials, its own take on the original’s model, and its own story, when just giving the original race new barber options, or just doing nothing and leaving people to RP that stuff themselves, is a million times easier.
There is no chance in hell of them adding a race that you wouldn’t be able to even customize because it has no skin, hair, eyes, or anything else every single other playable race has. And letting such a race use the skeleton models of multiple races comes off as another version of the “undead should include every race because everyone dies” argument. And noncorporeal races have no chance, either, if only due to the nature of such a state.
Look at the races people are asking for from DF. They want tuskarr, gnolls, drakonids, tarasek, not another subrace of humans.
“Ugh” this post is about allied races. I said that like 4 times. I want there to be new core races, but allied races can be used for subraces that we don’t have yet. But what I don’t want is races that are just humanoid animals. Tauren and Worgen were enough. Vulpera are awful. Tuskarr and Gnolls are the same problem. Arakkoa and Jinyu are more generalized as avian and aquatic, which is better imo. But for core races, which isn’t related to this convo.
And I said that most people don’t want more low-effort reskins and it’s easier for everyone involved for the devs to just give existing races new barber options to serve the purpose that allied races once fulfilled.
Honestly, the Forsaken should have been a third faction with Undead/zombie versions of the various races found on Azeroth.
If there was any place that should be looked at for options for expansion, it is this.
There’s a little more to Allied Races than just more customization options. A redo of the racial traits also happens, too.
Name one that was free. Every other single race required purchasing the expansion at some point.
If you mean no effort to unlock beyond the expansion purchase, that’s a different story.
The ones in the Broken Isles seemed pretty healthy when we left. Did the Scourge get them all when we went to the Shadowlands?
Considering how many times I’ve been caught on doors with my Paladins who were using their Divine Steed, Vrykul would probably get caught just running normally.