Fury Warrior

why r u up at 3 am commenting about how much skill it takes to press dark sim, do u like have an alarm on your phone that somehow tells you when someone mentions the word dk on the arena forums u flippin weirdo?

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It’s literally art something you have no clue about

This has to be a troll

Your gameplay has to be a troll

Do you suffer from a disorder

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The disorder from roasting you ya

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I don’t think that’s how that works you just typed “Dark sim is an art”

bro comes in and defends dark sim like it was his own child or something lmao

bro dark sim is an art form


LMAO I’m weak bro

It is? It literally requires more iq than your whole spec

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Bro pressing dark sim is literally a lower iq intervene, how about instead of pressing dark sim you start pressing on some hoes instead


When you look yourself in the mirror how do you take yourself seriously

dArK sIm iS aN aRt


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This man wakes up and gets morning wood thinking about the next life caccoon he steals lmao

Imagine posting 8700 times about arena and still having no idea what’s going on I’m embarrassed for you

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“Oh ya man I’m the next Picasso stealing poly”

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Bro you just said dark sim is an art LMAAOOO

bro did u see how he was gonna die if he didn’t bubble but I predicted that and I stole his bubble cuz I’m literally an arTIST???

It literally is I agree stealing casted things is rather simple but stealing non casted abilities is where it takes thought

Okay tell me eating cc with intervene isn’t the same exact thing as dark sim, am I an artist too?