Fury war LF guild [A] Pagle

Just transferred in as last server was slow. LF guild that raids weekdays starting around 9-9:30pm server time.

hello, we raid mon, tues, thur 10-1 pst, looking for more good players

more info here


Please feel free to contact me.

Looking for a highly-competent Alliance raiding guild on a more balanced PVP server? ThunderCats of Whitemaine server is recruiting for our West coast, Wednesday night raid. This semi-hardcore groups needs mele in particular and will consider dedicated raiders of all classes.

We’re a guild from Nostalrius server led by expert PVE and PVP leadership. Our most recent MC clear time was 44 mins. We’re currently getting ready for BWL and can train new players. Wishlist loot system.

Interested? Contact Pixiestixie#1256 on battle.net

Thunder Cats, Hoooooooooooooo!

Anathema PvP 6 - 9 pst Tues/wed/Thurs
MC/Ony is cleared and were on chromaggus in BWL. Need a core raider fury war
