Fury Nerfs

I feel you. I’m a Warrior main and have been one for a long time. Arms, Fury, IDC I love both specs so end up leaning on whichever performs better. It can just be hard sometimes figuring it out and don’t want to spend my reset day smacking target dummies if I someone smarter than me can identify if Arms is the new go to raid spec or not lol.

I quit the game shortly after Aug voker got released. It was just way too stupid, and may end up coming back into meta. Though I don’t think it will be as bad as S2 & 3 of DF.

EDIT: I came back for the 20th anniversary. I’ll have to make due with the nerfs I guess.

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All I can say I am enjoying delves, no more pugging and getting rejected for 30+ mins because you need a piece of gear from a specific dungeon and you don’t have that key. I don’t have to worry about my spec being meta or not. I can do delves alone ie piece where there is no risk my time is wasted if the group breaks up due to one wipe or someone arguing. Sure I won’t get the BiS gear but honestly after so many seasons of m+ being the only way to get gear (I hardly raid heroic and guild is very social so we don’t usually full clear leaving me to pug for it).

I still am salty that mage is always in the meta though.

The more Blizzard keeps nerfing Fury which surprise surprise after looking at the Data in Mythic raid dps it’s at the BOTTOM of DPs average. Good job blizzard you basically made Fury utterly crap spec too even raid with yet again and force all Fury warriors too spam M+ for rest of the season. Good logic.

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Week 3 ranking is out, boyz. Fury is officially 20th out of 26 specs in AOE and rock bottom last 26th out of 26 in ST.

And let me remind you, this is all current iteration, not including 11.0.5 PTR nerfs.

I quite literally despise these developers for wasting hundreds of hours pushing and gearing my Fury. I hope all those responsible will lose their jobs, as they rightfully deserve.


Spam M+? We bring no utility. Aug is one spot no matter what, Frost DK is highest AOE and ST in the game, and Arcane is arguably better St and just under DK in AOE. One brings Brez, Grip, AMZ, the other brings Bloodlust (heroism but we all know what it is… but the thing that thematically fits fury warrior more than any other spec in the game and I thought they were going for thematics)…Both are unkillable and survivability is now the most important aspect of key.

And the backups to those are Enh/Ele Shaman (the class that got Lust for some weird 2004 reason, Best CC, shortest kick timer which is arguably the most important thing outside of survivability) Rogue (Also has all the utility and stops and is virtually unkillable, far better damage profile for high keys when things live long.

Once you get to a point where mobs survive fury’s burst or its tyrannical fury falls off a cliff. Bottom of the pack in ST.

So good luck getting into groups unless you have a good group to run with… why bring fury when you can bring a WW monk that has a better Burst/sustain ratio.

Even DH with their Tier Set bursts higher than fury and has no cap on their best burst… especially post eye beam fix they are doing far better damage.

So how about no one making us the only hard capped spec in the game AGAIN because you tried that and it killed fury. It’s the first time I’ve been able to prog fury since night hold and because I’m not in one of the 3 guilds that’s got CE, and probably 20 by November… I won’t even be good on the fights we are getting nerfed for and I won’t be good in keys.

You know things are bad when Critcakes is gearing up a frost DK and flabbergasted by it’s burst in 10 keys at ilvl 570 that something is very wrong.


There was a melee comp back in BFA… unfortunately it was triple rogue. They didn’t get nerfed.

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The sad truth is that no one knows why we seem to always have a target on our back and why we are always the first one to get nerfed if we do well.

It wasn’t even that we were op this time around it’s just that the raid was basicly built with fury in mind and fit to our strength of massive burst AoE because i can tell you without that we would of seen zero fury warriors we are dead last on single target dmg and now we are on the bottom half for AoE.

Blizz loves to always talk about having this massive wealth of data but they seem to always miss the mark when it comes to nerfs and buffs and now look at where it’s gotten us, anyone with any knowlage of fury could of told blizz that we were only top of the meters because of the adds in most fights.


this is why mages have 2/3 specs that are S tier in every piece of content

they b*tch the most


They CANNOT push these changes thorugh, otherwise fury will die. It’s insanely hard to get into m+ groups as fury and it will be even worse. I was waiting 4 hours for a +10 last night cause not a single soul wants fury in their team since we doesent do much only damage and we are not even the best at doing damage.

In raid yes we are looking impressive but what we do is mostly bursting the adds down wich is nice and usefull but If I burst something down faster than anyone can touch it properly but after that Im not doing anything is it good gameplay? I think fury is misunderstood and Blizzard should reconsider these changes otherwise the spec will die and every warrior will play prot or arms.


blizz will only listen if money is involved so screw it and screw them and unsub. these incompetent useless devs play favorites and wars are always the short stick.


Its more complicated than that, they are a business yes, they have employers who are people like any other

Its clear some classes get love and the others get something else from indifference to, yeah i think we can say hate

There isnt enough people doing that for then to suffer any backlash, only, maybe only if all warriors stop playing, even prot warriors, and i don’t think it would be enough.

I think the only time a “vote with your wallet” thing genuinely work was with the flying problem.


so turns out the latest change was to make AM closer to RA, but slayer still loses .2% damage overall.

I mean the change to make them closer is good but overall could use some single target love.

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I wonder who would be the person influencing the decision to work on Anger Management? Is it because they think it would be the least amount of effort to present an alternative build?

Highly doubt its to fix an under-utilized talent node. If that was the case, there is Single Minded Fury, Unbridled Ferocity, Depths of Insanity and maybe evem a few more that would need more attention right?


i mean i would also like to point out we don’t take some of the end of the tree talents on single target builds because they give less DPS than earlier talents currently

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First off, Wow is that name a dated reference.

Secondly, I’m convinced they have nobody, and I flippin mean NOBODY, dedicated to Warrior. If even a single one of these Devs actually PLAYED Fury Warrior, we wouldn’t be seeing this shplit cause even the most Casual Warrior could’a told the entire team that these nerfs make absolutely no sense


glad to have more nerf in pvp. Dog s_h_i_t spec. What are u doing blizz?

This is depressing. Well, Blizzard, TWW was pulling me back to WoW but you always find a way to mess it up.


Thats comedy gold…thanks for the laugh

This is sadge, probably going to switch over to my dk and keep my warrior only to raid. mega unfortunate.