Fury is butchered thanks blizz

Their guild master already said on an interview that it was a mistake, But they had already invested so much and splits into gearing those warriors. He said they’re not using cool downs for quite some time throughout that fight to use it only on adds. That’s all they can do. They did less than half the damage compared to thr top dps to the boss. That’s the problem. The whole place style is niche and centered around killing ads with low HP. Thank you for your insight lvl 60 warlock.


Wrong. It’s actually the only metric of strength classes are measured in. Does the class do good damage? That’s all that matters. Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters at all. Your people that can’t clear normal knows. What does well on the logs. Same as heroic. Same as mythic. Everyone everywhere cares about the logs.

That doesn’t matter either. My wife could look at the data and realize that there’s a problem with the brown class. She doesn’t even play the video game. I don’t care about your achievements. I don’t care about how good you are… Can you read a graph? Good… Then you can see there’s a glaring problem.


Do you think this guy is upset?

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Why would you be happy or obtuse to another class suffering? You some kind of energy vampire?


That’s kind of a reach, or stretch. But I also think you misused the word “obtuse” here, grammatically.

No you have a viable set of data indicating that all the complaints are pretty valid, and you’re willfully ignoring them, maybe.

Not to mention the rage bait, u mad?


they can do an impaired amount of dps kek


How many are capable of reaching those numbers though?
The amount of min/maxing to reach 90% parses is incredible.

Thus… if you aren’t pushing CE, parses are meaningless.

Example. I literally ran SMF during DF just because. It was rated as a massive dps lose. So if that was the case. Why was I always out dpsing wars with the lego? Wars with quite a bit more gear than me.

I can tell you why. The average player is not in the 90% percentile of parses. Someone who is slightly above average on the bottom spec can out dps an average player playing a meta class.
Just like how an above average player can out dps an average player, same class/spec. And the average player could have 20-30 ilvls on them and still lose.

The glaring problem is people put too much stock in those numbers lol.

I haven’t addressed them, and you’re still reaching. Good luck with that though lol

Anyone ever have an interaction with someone and realize their responses are filtered through AI? I have. :upside_down_face:

Reroll you’re not monk squad material. Your chi is corrupt.

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I’d say paying customers expressing frustration over Blizzards incompetency is meaningful.


If blizzard balanced around ease of play 90% of classes would be F tier
thank god they don’t


Your point is still moot. Compare 20% parsers to other 20% pars or 50% or whatever number it is. In comparison it still dog water. I don’t need to look at the best player in the world to have ever played fury and compare it to the best player in the world who have ever played beastmaster to say that beastmaster is beating fury by over 20%. You can still look at poor players and compare them to the other.

Because they were bad. You’re comparing someone parsing 80 to someone parsing a 30. If you compare an average parsing fury warrior to an average parsing anything else they will lose. The data supports that.

Impossible. Someone would have to be parsing single digits to lose someone parsing of 50 if there is a class balance like you say there is. But I don’t really care to continue this conversation because that’s not what the topic is about. Your logic is flawed. I agree if someone is exceptional on something they can be someone who is not exceptional on something that is performing better. but that’s not what this discussion is about your two players should do the amount of damage if they’re both playing a DPS class


There has to be a compromise between difficulty and output. If a class is “easy” to play then the maximum potential output should be lower. Specs with a higher skill ceiling should also be rewarded with a higher output ceiling. If not higher output then perhaps more utility or something. Its not always the case though.

As for the impairment comment, I’m not sure about that take. But the game is the most friendly its been for “impaired” folks. Lots of content that’s easily solo-able. Lots of “impaired” folks achieving great things too.

Are you impaired? Is that why you play a Ret Paladin? I hope you achieve your wildest dreams.

Oh look the OP class came to gloat.

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Not impossbile.

I ran a +5 mists monday night before reset.
Two unholy dks. 1 was me. The other guy was 2 ilvls below me.
I was pulling over a mil. They were doing roughly 500k.

Actually I just found the screenshot because it was so silly, I had to share it in discord.


You can’t trust the numbers.
If you want to meta main hop, sure. But you can still do very well on non metas.

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They’ll ruin anything they get their grubby hands on

Bro, I’m really happy for you. But unholy death night is meta-… they do unprecedented amounts of AOEDPS. You should be able to be a free warrior every day of the week in AOE. Unless the monsters die in three seconds, the free war will never beat you. The only thing that matters is the numbers. When you directly compare a equaling player to another equal ping player, that’s all the data you need… Never anything else.

From this moment forward, I don’t call fury Warrior fury… Because they ain’t mad at anything. I’m going to call them free Warrior because beating them in damage is free.

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That’s a lot of caveats. How about equal age? equal time zone? equal stats? equal race? equal GPU? equal mouse pad? equal fingers?

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Thing is… I’ve been unholy since legion. I don’t main swap. I don’t spec swap.
(And I was talking about the two unholy dks on that meter)
Because you said this:

Lol you don’t sound like a fun person to play with.
Makes me even more motivated to finish leveling my smf war rofl.