But they didn’t negate the affects of Saronite, that was a lie Fandral told the Night Elves, this actually caused a lot of harm in the Stormrage novel, it causes a cloud of nightmare to reach all corners of Azeroth putting everyone in terrifying dreams of undead and Old Gods taking over the world.
The Great Trees simply buried the Saronite and created an opening for Yogg-Saron to infect the Emerald Dream with the Emerald Nightmare which was given over to Xavius who was a Tree.
The Great Trees of course only had a connection to the Emerald Dream due to being branches of Nordrassil which was grown from an Acorn of G’Hanir which was in the Emerald Dream. Nordrassil was also blessed by the Green Dragonflight on top of that.
With all that it is no wonder planting Nordrassil’s branches on top of Saronite Pools gave Yogg-Saron an entrance to the Emerald Dream. Once Yogg-Saron was defeated N’Zoth moved in from the Rift of Aln(connected to the Maelstrom I would assume which is very close to Zin’Azshari where Azshara got corrupted by him) to maintain Xavius’s power within the Dream.
Brain dump:
I think the visual design of Vyranoth, and the likely plausibility she may go against her brothers, and the next patch being dream themed, really shows a chance she may have or gain a deeper connection with the Winter-queen.
Also what I find interesting thing about Vyranoth is she gives off this angry mama bear energy that oddly enough reminds me of the Winter-queen when her realm was threatened.
So Vyranoth could very well be the end boss of the raid if she gets a Winterqueen powerup. This cinematic shows she’s not as strong as Fyrakk, but also doesn’t want to outright kill everyone, she wants vengeance but not in the way she has been hurt.
Going back to her physical design she gives off the classic tail of the “snow queen” look and being we have seen a future Azeroth covered in ice where the incarnates win, its plausible she wants the world not to burn, but to freeze over. Although what path Vyranoth takes is still up in the air. Its gonna be interesting to see what she chooses, there’s been quite a lot of focus on her.
Another thing to note is she and Alexstraza have a lot in common to build her up as an ally. Both have been imprisoned against there will, both have had there clutch mutated against there will, both have lost close relatives, and both were friends. Perhaps soon they will both share in brothers betrayal for the bingo card.
Fyrakk is likely at 60%+ corruption at the moment, and losing it much faster then Neltharion. He’s either the last boss of new raid or a boss along the way. Also his face kinda reminds me of burnt tree bark, hope that’s not foreshadowing something.
Maybe his boss fight is an air based fight, and after we defeat him, he face plants into the new Tree, leaving an impression of his mug burnt into the side.
It would save Dev time to have his face already look like burnt bark, if we will see it as burnt bark on the side of the tree going forward.
here is my prediction, he is either going to die in raid just before he can burn the new tree, or he will be just about to burn it before some greater power smites him
The dream that is of Titan design, which is what the Incarnates are trying to destroy, yes.
I’m confused, what is it that it’s not clicking here? The Primalists whole deal is that they want to remove the Titans’ footprint from Azeroth. Pretty sure that would include Freya and Eonar’s pocket dimension playground that is directly connected to the world.
The Dream is not of the Titan design, there are two variations of the lore when it comes to the Dream. One is likely a Titan lie.
Freya created the dream as a way to shape Azeroth into the Titans desired outscome
The Dream already existed and Freya discovered it, then the Titans Ordered it like they order everything else.
I think we have enough evidence that the Titans lied to cover their own actions to believe the latter may be the truth. So what’s in the Dream that the Titans tried to hide?
That’s an interesting premise to take from the visual similarity. Might Vyranoth herself wind up in Ardenweald after all is said and done? If Amirdrassil might function as a gateway between the Emerald Dream and Ardenweald, Vyranoth may not even have to die in order to end up there.
Blizz always makes great cinematics, I’ll give them that.
Honestly though, I’m having a hard time giving a rat’s rear about this expansion or it’s story in general. Give us the tree and shut up, they’re just beating a corpse now.
Vyranoth is real cool though, I’m digging her vibe. I get the impression she may become an ally of sorts down the road in some predictable dramatic switcheroo moment when Fyrakk inevitably nosedives off the deep-end.
Overall: 5/10, one big fat ‘MEH’
Same, they kind of lost me after the initial questing zones were over with. It’s not a bad expansion per se, just way too much of the content is locked behind a massive grind
Aside from Azure Span, I was honestly just underwhelmed with the initial zones and their respective stories.
There were some interesting characters, but the overall kumbaya vibe of the Dragonscale Expedition after the double whammy of factional tension from BfA & Shadowlands layered with my utter lack of interest in dragons gives me little to no incentive to really care. Not to mention the fact that class identity is almost non-existent this expansion, it’s a recipe for indifference.
Even my investment in the Night Elf story has dwindled to just straight fatigue because for the amount this has DRAGGED ON there is no way the outcome will be satisfying. I try to stay positive, because I love this game but Dragonflight has been about as interesting as watching paint dry.
This combination of Blizzard also telling what should be a 15 minute story across YEARS of minute-long shorts between non-stop grinding has really hit a crescendo of banality.
My ranting and raving aside, you’re absolutely right about the grind.
Ohn’harin Plains was the only zone I personally enjoyed. But you’re right in the sense that the whole Lets hold hands and get along vibe doesn’t sit right after the debacle of BfA and SL. There should be a ton of tension on both sides and with some dragons actively picking sides, you’d think that it at least would threaten to blow up into a potentional war again
Yeah, I think sweeping everything under the rug with a time-skip and being like ‘LOOK, DRAGONS!’ is just lazy story-telling. Even the introduction of the Dracthyr was lazy despite there being TONS of Drakonid lore to build from.
Do we even KNOW what the Incarnates goal is? Other than seizing the world tree for “reasons” and “something something” Void expansion? This reads very Jailer 2.0 who we STILL don’t know what the heck he even wanted. Whatever ‘unmaking reality’ means.
Were the Dracthyr ever formally inducted into the factions? I remember Turalyon offers to help, the Dracthyr low key accuses us of being looters and demands to accompany us and that was it.
Did I mentally block something or do the factions matter so little that there’s absolutely no ceremony anymore?
It also doesn’t help that we still don’t really know what made the titans soo evil and terrible in the Incarnates eyes. Okay, so they dumped a few baby dragons in order juice to make them more loyal, if that’s their only major crime….it pales in comparison to what beings like Lei Shen and the Lich King did and they were Demi god level at best
That was about it. Azurathrel mentions that the Isles are the Dracthyrs home and not something to be fought over. We then head to the Isles and that’s about it really. Besides the small introduction with Wrathion at the gates of Stormwind that is
Both of those iterations of the dream still imply a Titanic footprint, so regardless, the Primalists wanting it isn’t some sort of new development.
I think that the Emerald dream was originally the Emerald Nightmare and since the Dream is Azeroth’s subconscious manifesting the Universe. It was originally created by a Void Lord progenitor who is a variation of the lovecraftian Azotharoth.
But that’s just speculation.
There was an offscreen meeting between Cindrethresh and the Horde Council as we recruited the Horde team for the Dragonscale Expedition. Its mentioned in the quests as them planning the logistics of the trip to the Dragon Isles, while we gather the team…
Same. I know it might not be saying much, but all of this is leaps and bounds better than Jailer land.