First: Fyrakk once hunted the green aspect. We don’t know if he’s talking about Merithra or Ysera. He probably tried killed both of them, but if he’s talking about the past, maybe we’ll find more information about this hunt in new novel.
Second : The Primalist want to take the power of the seed. but how does they know about it? On dragon Ilses only Tyrande and Green Dragons knew where the seed was hidden, how could Fyrrak know where it is. This reminded me of quote:
The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.
We gonna meet the traitor of life sooner than we expected?
Interestingly, they don’t want to destroy the tree as we expected, but only take over its power. I’m very curious what power Amidrasill has, to make Primalists consider it as a good weapon against Titans.
Third. Vyranoth will obviously side with us at some point. About this siblings fight, Fyrrak was probably stronger than his sister before absorbing the shadowflame. it’s obvious his last quote was about him and the Void gaining the power of the tree.
maybe seeing how her brother become crazy because of Void Varynoth will come to our side to save idikron from similar fate? that would be a better story than a sudden change of heart
This is so lame and cliche. Fire is evil, frost is cold. What kind of power do World trees have? Connection to the dream? We already dealt with the Nightmare in Legion. If they are trying to connect these Incarnates as wanting the Emerald Dream just like every other cosmic power. That’s highkey lame. The writing team is so obviously uninspired and so is this expac.
I think what makes Amidrissal so unique is it’s the combination of death and nature magic. It was blessed by Elune and the Winter Queen, and I’m guessing that is what makes it more powerful/unique compared to the other trees.
Maybe I’m just bitter but this seems like overcompensation for The War of Thorns narrative. “Just make the tree fireproof” is a dumb solution to the problem of the NE’s choosing to live in a tree that gets corrupted time after time.
They have yet to explain why World Trees are important beyond it being where the druids nap.
Oh, it’s definitely them overcompesating, judging how even the intitial questing has everyone getting along and pretending the last war never happened.
People are right when they say this expansion feels a little too sanitized and judging by how badly blizz mishandled the whole Lets go the grimdark route, I can see why they would want to play it safe.
My professional analysis for the Furry incarnate is this:
I mean, I guess they can be considered that being Dragons, but are they really Dragons? I think the term is ‘scaley’ when it comes to Dragons but that might just be splitting hairs. I am sure the fandom accepts the incarnates among them considering they are indeed anthropomorphic characters.
Not exactly it’s the power of Elune and the Winter Queen i.e. the Powers of Life and Death and in that the infinite loop at its zenith. Amirdrassil would be the most powerful world tree as it’s blessed by two titan + beings from two opposing pantheons.
I think the primal aspects could use the tree’s power the source of life and death to empower themselves and rival the titans with their newfound strengths.
Feels like the cutscene devs really leaned in on the Fyrakk memes with how… uh, sensual his gremlin energy gives off.
Aside from that, I just can’t bring myself to be enthusiastic about this damn genocide seed plot. I wasn’t expecting much out of the green dragons to begin with, but this “we need to make the War of Thorns plot mean something” drudgery effectively replaced whatever actual story the greens could have had about themselves instead.
To be fair, the Horde helping save Amirdrassil and the souls of those they doomed to WOW hell is uh a good step to karmic redemption. If anything, the Horde should be right behind the Kaldorei begging to help. Showing the Night Elves they’re reformed.
I mean it’s going to happen either way, whether we like it or not. Might as well embrace the fact you will be stopping the burning of Amirdrassil unlike what happened at Teldrassil. It shows the story moving forward and that both factions have moved on from the sins of the Fourth War…
Amirdrassil will be infused with the power of Eonar, Elune and the Winter Queen. 3 powerful representatives each from a single Cosmic Force: Order, Life and Death.
Alexstrasza also seems aware of the World Tree destined to appear on the Dragon Isles.
Less this and more that this expansion feels like anime filler material, given everythign we’ve done in SL, BFA, and Legion. Fyrakk’s Starscream personality is amusing but it doesn’t carry the expansion through the fact that we canonically kill not one but TWO Old gods in BFA, just got done murdering literal Satan Mr. Clean in hell, and defeat an undying Legion of Demons and a Titan and several Titan Keepers in Legion.
But somehow these “Incarnates” who are Ragnaros level at best are supposed to be a threat? Cenarius and Malfurion could tag team Fyrakk and the expansion would just be over.
The expansion even tells us that the Icarnates and ALL of the elements got enslaved by the Old gods we’ve already killed fairly early in WoW if you want to really put it in perspective: C’thun dies in the first expansion, Y’shaarj the most powerful Old god dies in MoP, Y’ogg dies in WotLK, and N’zoth the weakest besides artificial G’huun dies in BFA and really shouldn’t even have been as big of a threat as he was compared to even a chained up Y’ogg or even C’thun as both are more powerful but a few leagues, nevermind what even the Sha remnants of Y’shaarj would be as the strongest known Old god in current lore.
If they world tree puts them on level with actual Titanic beings then yeah, that might actually make for a good plot, as they MIGHT actually be a threat seeing as we’ve killed how many gods in the span of like 4 expansions now? Just the elephant in the room, the giant magma mammoth.
World trees are extremely important to Azeroth. Nordrasill prevented Legion from finding the Well of Eternity. They neutralized the effects of saronite (they worked great until one of their roots reached Yoggsaron’s prison), healed Azeroth’s soul, and helped keep the elements in harmony.
Yep, it seems Blizzard intended this from the beginning. I honestly can’t wait for the whole patch based on the last wc3 mission! The united forces of Horde, Alliance and the dragons try to stop a great evil from destroying the World Tree. ah, memories…