Fury and 1 handers...... WHY?

If fury warrior no longer uses 1 handed weapons, as in it isnt even in the specs capacity anymore…WHY DO THEY DROP WHEN ITS YOUR LOOT SPEC?! I figured …oh single minded fury isnt a talent anymore. Blizzard finally figured warriors use 2 handers and thats it. NOPE first T8 bountiful i get a 1 hander…Ive really needed a 2hand weapon so it stung that much more. Im just confused tbh… how is this still happening…lmao


If it makes you feel any better, holy Paladins still get Intellect 2Hers dropping from content. It gives a lot of vibes from when we used The Silver Hand back in Legion, but Shield of the Righteous is pretty important to our toolkit.

Unless you PVP, getting an int 2Her on a paladin is basically a dud. Not sure why the itemization is like that, unless I’m missing part of the equation here.


Literally change your loot spec to arms and that fixes your problem.


You basically have to set your spec to arms at all times. Because fury can use 1handers you’ll always have a chance to get them otherwise.


Yeah it’s just because the talent tree has a single minded fury option so you get 1hs. I was wondering the same exact thing as well it was obnoxious.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind trying perhaps an auto attack smf build if that’s a thing lol.


Another poor soul that didn’t know to change loot spec I see


Use arms loot spec and you’ll get two-handers. They brought back SMF but it seems to be only for looks.


I thought SMF was just made baseline?

Though I agree with the overall sentiment - SMF should either be eliminated, or actually given some attention.

  • It should be a personal choice, the math being almost identical on everything. No Stamina bonus for 2-handers, no movement speed bonus for 1 handers. The idea is neat, but there should be nothing encouraging one style over the other other than personal preference and maybe what gear you have.

I really don’t get how this has been such a challenge for Blizzard to balance. Equalize swing speed across all 1-handers and 2-handers, take the Auto-Attack damage on 2-handers, tie a percentage increase to them… then take the average primary/secondary stat differences on 2-two handers and 2-one handers, and have SWF increase the one-handers stats by the % difference… and you’re done. And I don’t even think I’m being hyperbolic, since I think all weapon skills are no longer based on Weapon Damage for Warriors, so you don’t need to change anything there.

Or, y’know, just get rid of SMF and let Fury Warriors transmog 2-handers into 1-handers.

Still need to spec into it to make it good.


Not sure I follow - like, I thought it was just a passive ability you had in your spellbook now.

I haven’t played a Warrior since the TWW changes.

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Every warrior can use 1handers. But it won’t do much damage if you don’t spec into single minded fury.


… but it is. There’s literally a talent for SMF.

Also: they need to remove the damn talent and just bring back the passive Crazed Berserker ability.

Set your loot spec to Arms if you don’t want to play SMF.


Yeah this is where I was getting confused - OP seems to think the talent is gone all together. I knew Blizzard didn’t get rid of it - it’s literally in the Fury Tree on the far left halfway down. Had to log on my Warrior to make sure I wasn’t going crazy.


I mean, we’re all a little crazy— but not because of the SMF talent point. :grin:


Hey at least you learned this lesson not through the weekly vault like I did last expansion.

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It very much is and I make it a point to dunk on any 2h fury war I see when I am on my SMF gal.

Its very viable still. (And I made her with the sole intent of seeing how far I could push smf)


This is so dumb. Why not just make up their minds on one damned weapon. Same with Frosk DKs. 2h, 1h. Crap. Just pick one and remove the other, what the hell.

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Link me your talent setup some time! I’d like to find a good one. :slight_smile:

Because Fury wasn’t always TG and some people hate TG. Why remove fun for others when you have a viable option to get the weapons you want for TG?

Unlike Shaman who now have a shield specific talent in the middle of their tree and no way to opt for one type of weapon or another.

This was her as of level 75, have yet to see another war beat me in damage :joy:
And that was from her creation to lvl 75.
And she is Df geared still.


I got burned with that nonsense in DF. I only run my loot spec as arms. Yes it’s a stupid thing but is what it is.

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