Fury and 1 handers...... WHY?

Just curious, why would a PVPaladin want Int?

Sorry, I should have specified - HOLY paladins is where this problem is prevalent.

A 2H int weapon isn’t useless in Holy PVP because you have an additional offensive holy power spender - Denounce - that can replace Shield of the Righteous. You need SotR in PVE content due to a talent, Shining Righteousness - which is a great source of free healing.

That, and it generally sucks being robbing yourself an item in your toolkit. It’s basically like locking a rogue behind ONLY using Slice and Dice and never Eviscerate :frowning:


I always set loot spec to Arms.

As a Fury warrior, you want to set loot to arms.

You can still use 1h weapons from my understanding as Fury, there is a talent that buffs them. It’s just bad and not something you wanna do.


I think they should at the very least make one-handers transmoggable for titangrip Warrior. There’s a lot of weapons I earned on my Warrior and I cannot use the looks.


hahaha , use the one hander- mog it with legion artifact to get the two hand appearance.

Next time spec arms to get two handed weapons

I’m specced arms and I haven’t seen a single 2H drop. They need to up the number of 2H weapons apparently or have some kind of weapon pity system. Can the vault give you weapons? That’s starting to feel like my only chance.

It isn’t “bad.” It’s slightly under TG. Not by some huge amount. Unless you’re doing Mythic raids, it’s usable and can do well if specced correctly.

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You do less damage and have less stamina from the 2h weapons on top of that, it’s just better to ignore it and stick with 2h weapons. I don’t get why Blizzard has issues with Fury and Frost DK with stuff like this.

They need to get rid of the weird talents and just make it so they do the same DPS as the other weapon types.

And again… it’s slightly under TG. Not by some huge amount. Unless you’re doing Mythic raids, it’s usable and can do well if specced correctly. The only stam you lose is from the weapon stats.

Except I know players— including one in here— who make SMF work very well. It is NOT that far behind.

They need to go back to the passive Crazed Berserker ability. Let people choose which one they want without wasting a talent point.


Tbh I was laughing my butt off when I would out dps fury wars with the lego axe. Me over here not even 500ilvl sitting at the top.

Smf downfall is falloff when cds are down. But it tops again when they come back up.

The damage difference isn’t that much, and stam isn’t an issue. Just don’t stand in stuff.
I run second wind, so if I do take damage, I just heal it back by NOT taking more damage hah.

NEVER! You can’t make me! Lol.

I find it more fun to carry as suboptimal builds. Make the game interesting. Playing metas or bis is boring.

Example, I main unholy. The amount of times I hear go frost is so annoying. But then I say try and beat me in damage.

Play what you want and let the meters do the talking.

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Either make smf up to par with tg, or get rid of it and make fury warriors able to transmogs 2h weapons into 1h

Your own fault for setting loot spec to fury. If you want 2 handed weapons set your loot spec to Arms. Heck I check my loot spec everytime I login and when I start a m+ run or dungeon to triple check.

Also some fury warrior stills likes to play as single minded fury sure damamge is less but if they are playing casual or with friend who cares?

100% your fault, thread close.

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I got a 1h mace in BT timewalking the other day… really annoying… so I now set my loot spec to arms.

SMF exists. Some players do prefer SMF fury. I can’t stand it personally, almost as much as I hate dw frost, but I am glad it is an option for those that prefer to have 1h weapons equipped as SMF fury. I fully support keeping SMF available and having the ability for 1h weapons to drop as fury.

What I would like to see is loot spec filters by weapon type for any spec with multiple options. That includes fury warrior, frost DK, all monk specs, any caster that can use either 1h/oh or 2h, etc. Fury would have 2 loot specs - Fury 1h and Fury 2h. Each priest spec would have 2 options - Shadow 1h and Shadow 2h. Etc.

I’ve always had an extremely strong preference for specific weapon types on each toon and want to be able to focus on those specific weapon types (in this game that’s typically meant a 2h weapon whenever possible). I’ve vendored far too many 1h weapons on my ww monk trying to get a 2h out of the weekly caches over the years. My spriest has vendored far too many off hands (typically with no 1h weapon drop or vice versa) trying to find a staff. Those specs can’t set their loot filter to unholy or arms to filter out 1h weapon drops like I do on my frost DK and fury warrior; I wish all specs that can use multiple different weapon types (1h or 2h) had the same option to filter their weapon drops to the weapon type they prefer.

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My DH is still using the Explore track weapon I got from the AH (at least one of them anyways). Yea the RNG god isn’t on my side as I keep getting cloak. Got 4 cloak so far…

The vault can drop weapons. I had a weapon in my vault this week on my warrior. It’s a matter of bad RNG if you want a 2h (with your loot spec is set to arms) and you haven’t seen one drop. Good luck! I hope you get the weapon drop you want soon.

Didn’t Blizzard try to make SMF on equal ground with Titan’s Grip a few expansions ago and it failed?

Fury warriors have SMF still. True, the damage isn’t as good as using 2handers and the HP is lower with one handers, but fury warriors can still use one handers.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


You guys have SMF. It’d be nice if it was more viable, but Ele shaman has a similar issue right now - they get staves when a shield enchant can account for quite a lot of damage.